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the sight of the failed statistic calculus test on his hand was enough for fushiguro to bear with. he had seen scores like this from others and even himself, he just couldn't believe it would come from the person he least expected would have one.

'how did this kid manage to get into class 4 with this score?'

it was better to find it out from the person instead of making conclusions. he took the next corner down the staircase and headed right for the main exit when he was in earshot to catch a familiar voice.

"you stupid moron! you left me hanging with our stupid, good-for-nothing robot!"

he looked up ahead of him to see the 'stupid moron' turning out to be you. his gaze then fixated on the raging guy marching up towards you.

it was junpei yoshino. a junior two grades below him. seen as a social outcast but with you around, not so.

yoshino held tight on the 1/4 sheet of paper that was clutched on his right hand that was just above your head, ready for initiating a strike while the other held lil bab-e that sat quietly wrapped around his arm.

the sheet of paper might've contained the score you both got from the project. fushiguro couldn't decide whether the score was disappointing enough to make yoshino scowl or impressive for you to have your wide set of teeth show up in a smile.

none of that mattered at the moment, he needed to talk to you.

and he did but the raging yoshino made it hard for him.

"what are you saying? we got like, a very satisfactory score!"

"'we'? i did it in exchange of 'we'. i was worried sick, y/n! it's like the score was only given to us 'cuz he took pity in me!"


"okay, okay. i'll make it up to you next time but would you look at that! lil bab-e is working!"


"i'm keeping him. he's my child now. my creation."

"wh- hey! you're the one who almost gave up on him. and i was the one who suggested to run him on alkali batteries." you now got your grip onto lil bab-e.

no matter how much he wanted to hit some senses into both his juniors, he kept his cool senior facade along with itadori who struggled to keep both sides apart.

"l/n, let's go now." fushiguro kept a calm tone in his whisper.

your bickering died down after a while right after using the so-called trick 'cooing' that fushiguro saw right through your face. although it had a long duration as it reached even in the school gates, you parted ways from yoshino who got custody of lil bab-e.

"i can tell he's proud of me." a smug smirk formed its way on your face but only got yourself a disapproved fushiguro.

"whatever it is," he walked at least a few steps away from the gate. "i don't wanna hear it."

he seemed not to be moving from his place until after a few seconds he looked back with his brows raised.

"you coming?"

"what- nah. i'm going somewhere first." with your bookbag behind you, you walked away.

"somewhere inside the school?"

you halted. "yeah, what's it look like i'm doing?"

"you have to come back as soon as possible. your homeworks aren't going to do thems-"

he didn't even get to finish his little sermon when you started jogging your way back to the entrance with a small 'yeah. see you.' let out in the air. his stare lasted not too long before he started walking back to his tracks, a glint of curiosity in his mind.

the glint eventually turned into a pint along with anxiety when he sat down for at least half an hour on his desk chair with a pile of old 10th grade books set aside on the other side of the table, with his very own homeworks in front him which is, by the way, finished.

through pristine and serene corridor halls was a lonesome junior known by the name 'y/n'. normally, you'd be out of school grounds especially after 4 o'clock but your presence looming over silent classrooms begged to differ.

speaking of silent classrooms, it wasn't even silent anymore now that the thought of afterschool club activities take place in afterschool hours came into mind, and one particular club got itself stuck in your mind for the whole day.

reaching your destination brought a smile to your face thus you slid the door open, popping your head into the crack of space.

"good afternoon," you stepped in the room. "sorry for the interruption."

the club leader's got her eyes fixed on you but the stark gaze she held made you squirm internally. this got worse when she moved the punching bag aside with her full attention fixated on you.

"zenin-san." you breathed out, careful not to make it sound meekly like how wimpy-like you are right now.

she anticipated for an answer therefore you searched for an immediate answer which somehow got your tongue twisted.

"can i join you?" that was a chirp. a chirp came out of you.

the question sounded differently in your head. no, the whole scene looked different in your head now that maki zenin got her face contorted in a confused way.

a/n: okay that was. . . surprisingly short KSKFJS i mean yea i did intend every chap to be short from the very start aCkK i just get so wordy from time to time but do stick to my note of "short chapters in this book" cuz it is supposed to be 😤😔 have a good day/night and stay safe! <3333

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