"Yep. He's no better than Umbridge," Ron scoffed, "Lovers of the Ministry."

"I swear if she issues another Decree about Quidditch, I'm going to hex her," Harry said, through gritted teeth.

"That wouldn't be wise," Hermione sighed, "Because you don't want to land in another detention with her."

"True. I would rather spend time with Dementors than get another detention with Umbridge," Harry declared, making Ron laugh.

Hermione opened her mouth to tell him that Dementors would be, in fact, much worse when a formal voice called out from behind them.

"Mr. Potter."

It was Professor McGonagall, looking at the trio with a steely gaze. Harry stood up and said politely, "Yes, professor?"

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you," she told him, "So if you would please follow me."

She turned around and left the common room, leaving Harry to follow her. He gave his friends a puzzled look.

"I think he wants to hear about the dream," Hermione excitedly said.

"Or maybe you're in trouble?" Ron said, humorously. Harry rolled his eyes and exited the common room to follow McGonagall. As soon as he was gone, Hermione glared at Ron, "Maybe he got into trouble? Seriously?"

"Well it could happen," he answered, leaning back into the armchair, "Or maybe Umbridge's waiting for him because he disregarded some rules?"

"I hope that doesn't happen," Hermione sighed and leaned back herself.

For a moment, there was silence as both of them got lost in their thoughts. Besides them, the common room was almost empty, except for a few first years playing Wizard Chess in a corner.

Hermione was the first to speak up.

"Ron, do you think we'll be facing Voldemort in the future?"

His eyes widened at the mention of Voldemort's name but he answered in a collected manner, "Very likely. Since he's active once again and is keeping the Order very busy."

"Yeah, you're right. That's why I'm worried," Hermione told him, biting her lip, "How are we going to defend ourselves if we have to face him? We haven't learned anything useful at all this year and the spells I'm trying to learn are very complicated."

"I bet Harry knows a lot more spells than we do," Ron commented, "He's been in serious situations more than us. And he is also the favorite of the majority of the staff here, who might be teaching him a spell or two here and there."

"He is well known, but I don't think the teachers give him private lessons," Hermione said, raising an eyebrow at Ron.

"Then how does he know more spells than us?" Ron asked, leaning forward to look at Hermione in a demanding way.

Hermione was surprised by his sudden anger. She sensed jealousy but she honestly couldn't understand why Ron would get jealous of Harry so suddenly when he seemed fine just minutes before.

So instead of answering him, she asked with concern, "Are you okay, Ron?"

Her question made him sigh, and lean back in his armchair.

"It's just that..." he said, looking at the ceiling instead of her, "I'm sick of being Harry's sidekick all the time."

"Ron..." Hermione's eyes widened in shock, "You're not his sidekick! You're his best friend!"

"It doesn't feel that way, though," Ron said, his eyes finally on her, "In every situation that we've ever come across, I always feel like that I'm his sidekick while he's the main hero. He gets all the glory!"

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