Chapter 18

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Hello, my fellow readers! I hope the day's going fine for you!

Firstly, I want to say sorry (again) for not sticking to my schedule (But I did say I can be a day or two late). The reason is the overburden of work. I work as a writer (yes, a writer! :DD), but the workload was not much, which was why I expected I would be able to write, edit, and then post this chapter on time. However, I was suddenly, completely out of the blue, burdened with too many tasks all at once (for both university and work), so I am sorry!!

However, I will always comply with my schedule. I can be a day or two late like I'd said before, but I won't be later than that, promise! ^_^

Secondly, thank you to everyone for giving this story your love and interest. Seriously, it really means a lot!

Don't forget to comment and vote. And don't forget to save it in your reading lists so you won't miss the next chapter!



"Ordinary...Wizarding...Levels," said Umbridge, writing the words on the blackboard behind her, "Better known as OWLs." She turned around to emit a tight-lipped smile at her class. "I'm sure all of us know how significant these exams are, yes?"

In reply, the students gave her incredulous looks.

Almost a week had passed since their first private Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. It was a cold Friday, enthroned by January's brutal winter, causing the corridors to become dark and chilly.

The fifth-year Gryffindors were going through their second last class of the day – Defense Against the Dark Arts with Umbridge. Typically, hatred and anger were their most prominent emotions when they watched Umbridge teach them useless lessons with her overly sweet voice and fake composure. However, this time around, things were different. The usual resentment was replaced by another feeling – utter satisfaction. There was something...rewarding about seeing Umbridge teach while knowing you were secretly defying her, especially since she had absolutely no idea about it.

Even though only a few days had gone by, a lot of things had taken place. To begin with, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had managed to hold a second private Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson during a weekday, at the same place and the same time. It was exceptionally exciting as the Inquisitorial Squad, whose powers and control grew daily alongside Umbridge's position in the school, did not suspect anything at all, even if it happened right under their noses.

This private class also had a name now – Dumbledore's Army, courtesy of Harry, who believed there was no better way to honour their headmaster in this war against Umbridge than naming their rebellious endeavours after him.

Harry had also received the first-ever letter from Hagrid after he set off for his mission. Along with Ron and Hermione, he had learned that Hagrid had successfully reached Belgium, but was having a bit of a hard time finding the giants. They seemed to be completely hidden in the mountains, but Hagrid had stated that he would not give up.

Apart from that, Sirius had also filled them in on the latest update of the Order. After some investigation, it was discovered that Clemonte was indeed attacked, in the exact same place Harry had seen in his vision – which was found to be the Department of Mysteries. The discovery led Harry to realize that he had seen that corridor when he had visited the Ministry for his expulsion trial. It just didn't cross his mind. But since he now knew, his dreams had become even more vivid, accompanied by the wonder of what Voldemort could possibly want from there?

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