Chapter 5

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First of all, thank you to all the viewers! And now, enjoy the new chapter!


The remaining days of October went like a blur. Classes got harder and harder as teachers piled them up with homework, tests, and quizzes. Hagrid was having severe trouble being a teacher, especially since the Slytherins were so judgemental. The trio secretly dreaded that he would get sacked, and their only hope was Dumbledore. As for the headmaster, he was hardly seen around, and Harry never got the chance to tell him about his dream, which he continued to have. The horror of Lord Voldemort's return still hung around the school, and Harry's scar pained more often than it used to, which clearly meant anything but good.

Easily, the worst thing about this year was the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes and the teacher. Besides never wavering from her theory and reading-based syllabus, Umbridge was now appointed the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts by the Minister, Cornelius Fudge. Everyone in the school, even the teachers, was not at all happy about it. The new position granted her the unfair right of punishing any students she wanted to punish in any way. And for the record, Harry continued to serve detention with Umbridge every Friday, thus missing every Quidditch practice, but he never told Ron and Hermione what the detention really was. They had won the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw by inches. Angelina was furious, but there was nothing she could do that would change Umbridge's mind. The latter also watched over other teachers' classes and asked them all sorts of questions to see if they were fit to be a teacher or not and were teaching the way the Ministry wanted them to. In addition to that, she would also issue 'Decrees,' a set of rules she wanted the students to follow, and all those decrees were more unfair than their precedents. It was all too much. People were starting to hate Umbridge with all their might.

But there wasn't only one female figure to hate. Harry had started to show obvious interest in the Ravenclaw girl, Cho Chang, and Hermione was surprised to find that she could hate a fellow girl student that much. Cho Chang was a Ravenclaw Seeker, and according to Harry, a really good one, too.

"She isn't that good," Hermione argued with Harry, at lunch, just after Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which went awful as usual, "Not as good as you."

"Well, I'm not saying she's as good as me, but she is good," Harry said, "Her way with broomsticks is...amazing."

Hermione fumed, wishing she could hex Cho Chang for winning Harry's heart. Cho was sitting on the Ravenclaw's table with her friends, where Harry kept glancing at.

"Harry fancies her," Ron teased while getting another drumstick, "Don't you, mate?"

"How can I not?" Harry replied, grinning, "She's awesome."

He had never been this open before, which made Ron giddy. But to Hermione, she wished he kept his mouth shut.

"Can't blame you there," Ron said, smirking, "She's a looker."

That's it.

"Can we please talk about something else?" Hermione snapped at them, "Like, the bigger things on our plate?! That dream, Dumbledore's bizarre absences, the possibilities of Hagrid being sacked, and Snuffles being in danger?! And most importantly, how are we not learning anything useful for possible duels in the future? I mean, aren't these things more important than talking about a stupid girl?!"

She didn't notice that she was speaking very loudly, causing nearby Gryffindors to look at her, surprised. Realizing her mistake, she lowered her head and stared at her plate. "I'm sorry," she added feebly.

Harmonizing with Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें