Chapter 29

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When you're in solid anticipation, days drag on in one slow, repetitive cycle. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were well aware of this fact because on a fateful Tuesday in mid-February, they had received a sudden letter from Hagrid informing them of his return next week and that he had a 'special surprise' for them.

So, time had somehow turned slower. The day Hagrid returned, all three of them, especially Harry, were trying their hardest to resist the urge to skip class and run straight for his hut. But patience took their side, and when the final bell rang, they immediately set off to meet him.

March was approaching, so the earliest signs of spring could be seen all around the castle's gardens. Flowers were starting to bloom, the grass looked lush, and even the Whomping Willow was straightening up as its branches showed off the new season's ornaments.

All the way down to the hut, the conversation between the three never faltered.

"I reckon those giants let him go," Ron was saying as he led Harry and Hermione through the trees, "Won't hurt someone from their own species, would they?"

"Won't hurt? It's a miracle he came out of this alive!" Hermione exclaimed, "I just hope he's not too beaten up."

"I agree," said Harry, "knowing he's back safe, that's at least one less problem for us."

"One less problem. As if this 'mysterious' surprise wouldn't be one." Ron scoffed. "Hagrid can't tell the difference between – "

But he stopped mid-sentence, suddenly freezing up.

"Get back!" he yelled, pushing the other two. "Quick! Behind the hut!"

"Why? What's going on?!" Hermione demanded, but she got her answer when Umbridge came striding out of the hut, the door shutting behind her. From their hiding place, the three watched the High Inquisitor grimace and shake her head.

"You'll be hearing from the Minister very soon!" she called, "Unless you don't want us meddling with your real affairs, you'd tell me what sort of journey you took!"

And then, from inside the hut, a voice floated out that filled their hearts with glee.

"It's not yer ruddy business! Be on yer way!"

"And I'm supposed to just listen to you when you have..." Umbridge screwed up her nose. "All that blood over your face?!"

So, Hagrid was hurt. Their foreheads creased with worry while they hoped it wasn't too bad.

But this time, Umbridge received no response. To their horror, she pulled out her wand and stared at it as if she was thinking of using it on their friend.

"What the bloody hell is she doing?!"

"I swear if she even lifted that arm –"

"Shh, Harry! She'll hear you!"

Thankfully, Umbridge lowered her wand, threw one last dirty look at Hagrid's door, and went back on the path with pudgy steps. After making sure she was well out of sight, the three left their hiding spot. Harry rushed to the hut and knocked on Hagrid's door.

"Hagrid, it's us!" he called.

This time, the response came instantly.

"Harry! Been waitin' for yeh lot."

Hagrid opened the door – and their mouths fell open.

If someone wanted to know what the word 'pain' meant, they'd just have to take a look at Hagrid. One part of his head was sporting a massive wound as if someone had bashed it with a heavy club. Half of his face was coated with thick blood, its trail matting his beard, and he was tending the wound with a strange creature nobody could place. His giant hands had ugly gashes all over them, and he was having trouble moving his arms.

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