Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! I hope all of you are doing great. I am sorry for not updating for almost two months as these days had been even busier for me than usual.

Moreover, I would like to thank all the lovely readers who left comments, votes and saves on this story :) Just a few days ago, this story was trending at number 1 under the hashtag harryandhermione and I am so grateful. Thank you!!

Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter and do leave comments. Have fun!


"Now pay attention, students!" said Professor McGonagall, addressing her class, "This is the most crucial part of the lesson. Observe closely."

She pointed her slender wand at a rat sitting on her desk. The animal was perched in a crooked position, appearing like it would have run to safety if it was not under the effects of a Freezing charm.

"I...2...3," McGonagall said, then exclaimed, "Evanesco!"

Immediately, the rat disappeared from sight. The students burst into applause, enjoying such a spectacle.

The first class after the Christmas holidays was in progress. For the fifth year Gryffindors, it was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall and they were learning the Vanishing spell.

"Now it's your turn," McGonagall announced, "You all have half of an hour to practice this Vanishing spell on the goblets set before you. Good luck!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her body transformed into a cat's, which then proceeded to observe the class with her yellow eyes.

Her watchful gaze did not waver as the students obeyed her and started practising the difficult spell. Dean and Seamus couldn't stop chuckling as they accidentally on purpose kept vanishing different parts of their goblets. Neville was having trouble as usual, but he was not the only one, because behind him, Lavender and Parvati looked baffled as well.

Typically, yet another argument had broken out on the desk occupied by a certain trio.

"You're barking mad, Hermione!" Ron was saying, "Just focus on one spell right now! Isn't it complicated enough?"

"I like to learn, you know!" Hermione replied, haughtily, "Wouldn't you want to know how to bring something back you just vanished?"

Ron shrugged, suddenly indifferent, "Nope."

"Not even if you did it by accident?"


The shift in moods enraged Hermione. She knew he was doing this to test her patience, but she wouldn't let him get to her. With determined eyes, she searched him, trying to find a weak spot, until she noticed a bright orange wristwatch peeking out from under his robe sleeve.

"Well then, if I vanished this," she said, pointing her wand at his watch, "Surely you wouldn't want to bring it back?"

"Hey! This is a very special watch!" Ron exclaimed, hiding the accessory with his hand.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "More reason why you would want to bring it back."

"You think you're so clever, Hermione, when you haven't even mastered the Vanishing trick yet," he sneered.

"I already know how to do it."

"Oh? Then please, show me."

Aggravated, she pointed her wand at her goblet and declared, "Evanesco!"

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