Chapter 17

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Hello, my lovely readers! Okay, so um...I am veryyy sorry for updating after almost two months. I realized that if I kept my updating speed at this rate, I will never finish the story before this year ends!

Therefore, I have a strict updating schedule now! I will be posting two chapters every month -- one on the 15th and one on the 30th, including September, too! I will try my very best to stay on this track. Please forgive me if I am a day or two late XD

Anyways, a HUGE thank you to everyone for viewing, voting, commenting and saving this story on their reading lists. It means the absolute world to me <3

As always, happy reading!


The afternoon sunlight flooded in from an open window in the Gryffindor common room, brightening up the place extensively. But the lively atmosphere it offered was contrasting with the people inhabiting the area. For starters, it was practically empty, and the few students present had a very torpid air around them. Sunday was here, and it was lazy. Not that you could blame the students, who got only one day to rest all their stress and exhaustion away. However, the situation wasn't the same for Harry, Ron and Hermione.

There they sat on their usual table, the warm sunlight cascading down their open books. They were studying and doing their homework or were at least trying to. Edginess was surrounding them as if they were waiting for something to happen. Hermione was reading a book, but her eyes kept roaming around the room instead of focusing on the words before her. Ron was pondering over the parchments lying in front of him, and Harry kept glancing at his watch.

"Okay, I think it's time," the latter suddenly whispered, addressing his two friends with an urgent look. "Let's go."

As unsuspiciously as they could, the three got up from their table and exited the Tower.

"Right. It's this way," Harry said before setting off down the corridor. Ron and Hermione exchanged terse looks with each other and followed him. Thankfully, the corridor they were searching for was utterly deserted. Not a single soul was in sight, but again, it was a corridor that didn't contain anything significant apart from a few unused classrooms. Or at least most people saw it this way.

Harry stopped in front of an ordinary-looking wall and turned to face the other two. "This is the place."

"How will we enter it?" Hermione asked, nervously side-eyeing their surroundings. She was scared someone would pop in on them and catch them red-handed for what they were about to do.

"That part is kind of tricky," said Harry, then proceeded to explain what he knew.

The day to carry out the first private class had finally arrived, but it did not prove to be easy. To begin with, Dobby had promptly turned up in Harry's dormitory right after dawn, and the two went to the supposed location of the Room of Requirement fully hidden under Harry's Invisibility Cloak, even if they later came to realise that they didn't need it. Dobby had shown him where the sacred room resided, but that was where the troubles began. The door did not want to appear by command.

Harry tried everything. He thought about his requirement clearly in his head, pictured it, even took a risk and said it out loud, but none of this worked. The door simply refused to appear.

It was his frustration that led him to solve the mystery. Pacing back and forth in front of the Room's supposed location and mulling over the issue, Harry almost missed the door materialising.

There it was finally, just a hue first that gradually became more solid. A magnificent door, made out of oak wood and decorated with silver, had appeared, looking inviting.

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