Chapter Twenty-Three

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As I stood in front of the school with my foot wrapped in a bandage, I realized that I was confronted by the same problem I had been faced with a few months ago. What would my coaches think this time if I told them the truth-that I'd kicked the fuck out of my left foot (the same one that she had stomped on) because I missed her? What would anyone else say?

I let out a slightly amused chuckle. Why did I even care?

I shook my head. Three months ago, everyone's opinions mattered to me. My image was everything.

I thought about Jon, and how much he worked to look cool.

Three months ago, I was just like that. Now, though, I honestly didn't give a damn. I had learned what happened when you allowed someone else to influence your decisions. That's what got me into this whole mess in the first place.

I shoved through the doors and half-limped to my locker to grab a few textbooks for my first couple of classes.


As I sat in first period, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the door, waiting for her to come inside. I had to see her to gauge how to approach her to talk about what had happened on Friday. I was quickly put off when the clock's hands ticked closer toward the tardy bell and she hadn't appeared yet. I was on edge for the rest of the day, constantly on alert to make sure I didn't overlook her (although she wasn't exactly easy for me to miss).

By the time lunch time came around, I had reached the conclusion that she wasn't coming to school at all, so I decided to pay her a visit afterward.

...which explained why I was currently standing on her front porch, my knuckles hovering in front of the wooden door.

I glanced over at her driveway again and saw that a fourth car had joined the mix, clenching my jaw when I recognized it as Luke's car. Of course of all people that bastard would be the one in there with her. What the hell was wrong with Karissa or one of her other female friends?

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to calm down. She was never going to listen to me if I was acting like a raging jealous maniac. I unclenched my fists after I registered that my blunt nails were beginning to dig into my palms hard enough that there was a high possibility they would draw blood and took a deep breath.

I had to talk to her and tell her everything I should have said to her from the beginning. I needed to explain that I hadn't told her about the dare because I didn't want to hurt her and that I had to act like an ass around Jon so he wouldn't do anything stupid. If she would just listen to me like she always did, offering her optimistic input now and then, I would have a chance.

But I currently had none because I still hadn't knocked yet.

I pictured Mel's smiling face and that was all I needed to reach out and give the door a few sharp raps with my knuckles.

Yes, I would tell her everything. I would stop associating with Jon, too. Most of all, I would try to be the kind of guy she deserved-someone who would protect her from bastards who try to pull asshole moves on her like I did.

If she forgave me, I would show her how willing I was to be with her. I would be more honest with her. It would be difficult at first, but I had already shared so much of myself with her that it didn't matter. I would-

I looked up when I heard footsteps on the other side of the door, and my heart started pounding.

So many words rushed to the forefront of my mind-so many apologies and promises-in that one moment that it was hard to grasp onto one before I had moved onto another and another as I racked my brain for something that didn't sound too insincere or desperate. But none of that mattered because she was here and if she was willing to listen, the right words would come to me.

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