Ghost sucking out my confidence.

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Peter's POV

My gaze traveled back to the table where the girl who almost made my heart melt in the morning conference, was seated. For a second, I thought that it can't be her, why would she be here with my rival?

She looked like she was having a lot of fun with Andreas. I sat there in shock looking and them without realising that Mira was still with me.

"I thought you had something to tell me, but seeing you're more intrested in other's I'd better keep going. I'm sorry coming here was a huge mistake" - Mira angrily spoken while putting her coat on.

Seeing Andreas spending time with the girl I was so charmed by, made me realise that I was classified on a lost position. Andreas was younger, more ambitious and from the perspective of a girl probably better looking. So there was not much I could do. Instead I decided to fix my old mistakes.

"Mira, please don't leave. Stay. Let me finish, please." - I begged.

She closed her eyes for a second and shook her head.

" Peter, I shouldn't even be here after you told me to pack my bags and leave you're apartment just for me wanting to be with you and support you during ski tournaments. All I ever wanted was to be by your side. I came here because I know that you said all these horrible things in anger and I want you to tell me right now if you still feel this way? If you say yes, I promise you won't ever see me again" - She carefully sat down where she was previously seating, she looked down as if she was trying to hold back her tears.

What was I meant to do in this situation? I was angry! My blood was boiling and there was at least thousand thoughts racing through my brain.My heart was skipping and palms of my hands started sweating.

Mira was the first, I ever loved or until this moment or even more precisely until this morning the first girl I thought I loved....

Then ... at the conference something magical happened. I've met this girl and without knowing anything about her I felt like we were destined to be together. At the very moment when our eyes met I was ready to stop and give her everything I ever owned just to talk to her for longer and hear her sweet smooth voice again.

"Mira," I said through gritted teeth. "I love you ... I really do but..."

Her entire face started lighting up. It looked like she got to see the first rays of sun after years of heavy rain.

I felt like my heart broke into pieces, second time this day. If it's going to be this way and girls keep giving me these strong emotions I will finish with a heart attack before I reach my 25th birthday, I thought to myself.

"Sorry Mira" She looked away and sighed. "I was just, I ..." I took a moment to breath in and out to calm myself slightly.

" I love you but I'm not sure if that's the kind of love you really want. Please know that I care about you, like I never cared about anyone else but I love you more like a sister or maybe I'm not ready for a relationship yet" I finished the last sentence without looking at her face. Call me whatever you want but I was truly scared. I knew she wasn't expecting this.

"I swear, if you weren't a family friend Peter, I'd toss you out on your ass. Just stop making me look like a fool. Isn't it enough I give you love, support your decisions and still keep being by your side, even known you keep pushing me away!" - she raised her voice so that now everyone in the restaurant was overlooking our table.

I looked in front and noticed that Cindy turned her head around to see what was going on. She had a look full of disgust. She rolled her eyes and got back to whatever she and Andreas were doing.

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