Till Death Do Us Apart

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Nicole's POV

We heard Bellatrix laughing, but we didn't know why. "Oh babyface!" She called out, by now we all knew she was referring to Anna. Draco, Cedric, and I looked over at her confused. She gulped and stepped towards the door, Draco grabbed her arm shaking his head sternly. She pulled away and walked out with the three of us following behind.

"Well, Well look at who it is." Bellatrix laughed looking at the four of us. Draco held my hand as Cedric held Anna's. Bellatrix took a quick note of this. You could tell she did as her eyes were fixed on Cedric and Anna's hands. Anna shook from fear. It wasn't obvious but you could tell.

Bellatrix had a sinister smile on her face as she told Draco and Anna to step forward and they did. Anna stood in front of Cedric as Draco stood in front of me. Laughing we heard her say one of the most unforgivable curses, "Avada Kedavra" Bellatrix aimed her wand at Anna. My eyes widened as Cedric pushed her out of the way getting hit instead.

"No!" Anna screamed and kneeled by him cupping his face. She watched the person she loves slowly die. Everyone went quiet and all you could hear was Anna's sobs and whimpers as she clutched onto Cedric.

Draco pushed me behind him and watched his cousin sadly. His sadness soon being washed over by anger. Before anyone could make a move Anna pulled out her wand and sent the same curse upon Bellatrix successfully hitting her watching her slowly die.

My eyes widened as I looked at Anna. She had no remorse on her face for what she had just done. She stared at Bellatrix's body for a moment then pulled Cedric onto her lap, her tears falling onto his cheek. She sniffled humming quietly as she stroked his cheek occasionally whispering, "you're okay."

Draco and I hesitantly kneeled beside her trying to pull her up and away from Cedric's. She didn't comply her hold on him only getting stronger. "Anna." Draco spoke up, his voice stern. She ignored him and continued hold Cedric while silently crying, "This is your fault!" She looked at Draco finally speaking up.

He furrowed his brows, "Th-this was your stupid plan! Yours! And now he's gone!" She broke down. I bit my lip and lifted her up, taking her away from Cedric's body. "She doesn't mean it." I whispered to Draco, he nodded, "I know."

"You've killed her! You've killed Bellatrix." We all stiffened as we looked over at the no nosed rat called Voldemort. "Who did this?!" He asked angrily. I grabbed Anna's wrist to hold her back but she pulled away, "I did, you no nosed rat faced scumbag." She tried marching up to him but Draco grabbed her and pulled her back, "You bloody idiot." He whispered harshly.

I looked around at everyone's shocked expressions, I don't think anyone's ever said those words to Voldemort, at least not to his face. He smiled and laughed. It was worse than Bellatrix's if i'm quite honest. "Well well well, I see the half-breed has quite the mouth on her." He looked at Anna amused. Her face hardened.

"Draco." We heard Narcissa, we looked over as she held her hand out to him. He frowned and stepped towards her but I quickly grabbed his arm stopping him, "stay" I whispered looking up at him. He looked down at Anna then at me.

"Well, Draco, are you going to join me?" Voldemort said, "Join us?" He continued, "No." Draco responded. We saw Lucius step towards him and whisper something. I furrowed my brows. What the hell did he say?

"Well! It seems to me that Draco has a weakness." He laughed. My face dropped. This was the reason he was pushing me away. He was pushing me away to protect me. He was pushing me away because I was his weakness. Draco's face fell as he looked over at his father. Hate filling his eyes.

"Draco. You are going to chose one person to kill. If you don't I will choose for you." Voldemort grinned, Draco gulped obviously not wanting to hear the people he needed to choose between.

"Nicole Williams." Voldemort spoke my name causing me to tense. Draco's heart sank a little, you could tell by his expression, "and the next being, Anna Parker or to be more precise, Lestrange." Anna gulped looking at Draco. "It's okay." I spoke up as Voldemort held up his wand. "It's okay, Draco." I teared up, he shook his head tears escaping.

"Tik tok, Draco." Voldemort spoke the end of his wand glowing green. I looked over at Anna who was staring at Cedric's body, I shook my head, "Anna." I tried drawing her attention back to me. I continued to call her name but got nothing.

"Who's it going to be, Draco." He asked again, Draco shook his head crying. Looking between the two of us. I knew how much he loved me, and I love him but Anna is his family. "I love you, Malfoy." I spoke up looking over at him.

"I love y-" he was cut off by Voldemort. He has casted the curse onto Anna as he body fell beside Cedric's. I looked over my eyes widening. Anna weakly reached her hand out and grabbed Cedric's. Her whimpers slowly dying down as her eyes closed. Taking her last breathe I saw my best friend dead, right before me. I was frozen. I didn't want to believe it.

I breathed shakily as Draco pulled me away from the scene and to his mother. Walking away with the two of us. Away from all of this.
Away from Hogwarts.

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