Unexpected Circumstance

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A month. It has been a month and Hogwarts has gone completely downhill. Things were changing, not just in Hogwarts but also between Draco and I. He's been distant, "are you sure I'm over reacting?" I paced around Anna and I's dorm, she flipped through the photo album Cedric had made of them while grinning, "yes i'm sure." I glared and grabbed it from her, setting it in on the nightstand, "hey!" She glared, "please just listen to me." I sighed sitting on the foot of her bed.

"How can he go from happy, cheery, and soft to dark and mysterious in a month?" I frowned, "what if he doesn't want to be with me?" I played with the sleeves of my robe, "then he'd be a bloody idiot." Anna reached over to grab the photo album again, "expelliarmus" I waved my wand as the photo album shot out of her hand, "Hey! That is so not fair!" She glared and threw her pillow at me. I huffed and stood up, "I'm going out for a walk." I go to the door, "could you leave the door open, Cedric is going to come by so we can study potions." I smirked, wiggling my brows, "out!" Anna blushed.

I laughed and headed out of the room. Walking down the hallways I heard laughing, laughing that sounds awful like Pansy's.
I furrowed my brows turning the corner. Her hands were resting on Draco's shoulders. I furrowed my brows as I watched them. I didn't know how to feel. I was angry yet sad. Pansy glanced over at me with a smirk playing on her lips. She ran her fingers through Draco's hair.

I noticed him glance at me as he set his hands on her hips. He looked away and smiled down at her, "Draco Lucius Malfoy." I spoke angrily. He turned to me with a smirk, "problem darling?" I glared at him clenching my fists as Pansy walked away from the two of us. "How dare you?!" My voice raised, "look sweetheart, it's not big deal. I needed some entertainment in my life, you just weren't giving that to me." My face dropped as I looked at him hurt. "What the hell, Draco?" I whispered as I teared up. Before he could have a chance to respond I walked away from him.

I knew Anna would already be gone or with Cedric doing who knows what in the dorm so I went to the slytherin common room and sat on the couch. I sighed softly and sunk into the green leather sofa. Closing my eyes. I wanted to do nothing more then cry or scream or hit something. Pansy's face would make an amazing punching bag. I shook my head and rubbed my temples.

"Nicole?" I heard Anna's voice, or so I thought I did, her voice sounded weird. I looked over, "are you catching a cold?" She nodded slowly, "something like that." She sat by me and patted my head, "what's the matter bestie?" I furrowed my brows at her, Anna never acted like this, the Anna I know would already be kicking Malfoy's ass even if he wasn't the one who hurt me, but in this case he is the one who hurt me.

I frowned at the thought of him cheating on me, especially with Pansy. "There there." Anna spoke continuing to pat my head, I moved away, "aren't you supposed to be with Cedric?" I sniffled, Anna rose a brow and nodded, "Yes well um...he's a bit tied up at the moment." I nodded slowly, "What happened? She hesitantly rubbed my arm. "Draco's cheating on me." I cleared my throat. Anna gasped, although it sounded fake to me, "cheating? Draco? No never." She frowned.

"Alright, what's going on with you?" I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?" She looked at me confused, "I mean why aren't you threatening to rip off someone's head by now?" She raised her brows looking a bit shocked that I even put that option out there. She looked like she's never heard herself say those words when she has a million times. "Why don't we go back to the dorm and figure this out?"

Anna's POV

I groaned opening my eyes and looking around, the sharp smell of cologne immediately taking over my sense of smell. I looked at Draco who was currently untying my hands, "What the bloody hell is this?" I stood up as he finished untying my hands.

He grabbed my arm raising my left hand sleeve to reveal the dark mark. I pulled away from him quickly covering my arm again, "asshole." I muttered under my breath. He knew how much I hated that damn thing. He knew how much I hated waking up and seeing it every morning.

He grabbed my arms and shook me angrily, "You! This is all your fault!" He shouted. I looked at him slightly afraid but continued to hold my ground, "What the hell are you going on about?" He glared at me and rose his sleeve showing me his arm. On it was the same dark mark I had. A skull with a snake coming out of its mouth.

I gulped and looked at him as my face softened, "Draco..." he cut me off by pushing me back making me stumble, "This is your fault! I knew I should have handed you over!" He took out his wand and aimed it at me. My breath hitched as I held my arms up in defense, "Draco...you and I know damn well that wasn't because of me. Now please lower your wand."

"I can't do that." His voice cracked as he held his wand aimed towards me. "I have to kill you." His lip quivered as he teared up, "or she'll kill her." I furrowed my brows, "Kill who, Draco? Who's going to kill who?"

He stepped towards me and held his wand to my throat, I gulped, "Draco please, please let me help you. You promised you'd look after me. You'd look after me not as a cousin but as your baby sister, please." My voice cracked, he teared up. Draco Malfoy looked completely defeated as he broke down into my arms. I quickly pulled him into a hug and hummed softly.

"Shhh, shh it's alright. You're alright." I rubbed his back as I continued to hug him with him crying against me, "She took them, Bellatrix took Nicole and Cedric." His voice cracked.

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