His Cold Hands

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The first quidditch game is today. Quidditch is a big deal at Hogwarts. Cedric asked Anna to go to the game with him and she convinced him to let me tag long. Gotta love being a third wheel right?
Turns out I wouldn't be the only extra wheel. Cedric had invited one of his friends to keep me company during the game so him and Anna could have alone time. Gross. Cedric's friend Oliver was older, he was benched due to an injury he obtained playing Quidditch. He was a Gryffindor. Needless to say, our conversation for the majority of the night was fairly boring.
Jersey number 07. That was Draco. He was a good player and all, I just don't know why I cared. Anna would say it's because I like him but how could I like an arrogant ass like Malfoy? Gryffindor won the game. Like I said, I was never much for the whole competition thing. I clapped when it was over and they announced the winner. I could've sworn Draco gave me a dirty look for it.

A week of regular scheduled programming had zoomed by and I think we were all overworked. The Malfoys were having a huge ball at their manor and everyone was invited. I had potions class with Draco, the Friday before the ball was to happen, him and I were working on a potion during class when he began asking me if I had plans for Saturday.
"So sweetheart"
"Hm?" I look up at him.
"I'm assuming you're busy tomorrow then?"
"What are you talking about Malfoy."
"My family's party... oh don't play dumb now we both know you're a smart girl," his face widens into a playful smile.
"I wasn't playing dumb. What does it matter if I'm there or not?"
"Ever think maybe I just want you there?" he admits
"No actually, it never crossed my mind." I squint my eyes almost in disbelief. Is he actually opening up to me?
"So you'll be in attendance then I presume?"
"If it means that much to you, sure Malfoy."
He smiles and we resume swaying our wands in an effort to make this potion work.

Everyone's getting ready now. We don't have much time left until the party starts. Anna notices me drifting off and pulls me back to reality
"Hey stupid, wake up" she jokes
laughing, I respond "I'm up"
"Why aren't you getting ready yet? It's almost time to leave" she expresses concerned
"I know I know, I'll get up in a minute"
She makes a snarky remark about me being lazy. Finally, I get up and slip on my silky emerald green gown. It hugs my waist tightly and sits loosely around my hips. The neckline on the dress exposes minimal cleavage as I have never been one to enjoy showing that part of my body off. Anna is wearing a long black gown with a gold snake jewel in the back. At 9:00 p.m. we were off.
The manor was a charming building that dominated the surrounding area beside it with its alluring landscaping and melancholic feel. my primal instinct was to look for Draco right as we arrived. Scoping out the room with Anna by my side, my focus was disturbed by a tall figure in a suit. Diggory.
"You're here!" Anna exclaims
"Only for you" Cedric smiles and wraps his arm around Anna.
Him and I acknowledge each other's presence and quickly move on.
I take slow yet confident strides making my way through the manor before settling on a small nook beneath a gleaming window. Admiring the night sky, I feel a pair of cold hands slip around my eyes obstructing my celestial view.
"It appears you've found me," I say playfully smiling without his knowledge.
"You don't even know who I am," he says confidently.
Unraveling his hands from my view, I turn around and say "Malfoy."
"Guess I'm just hard to miss then aye love?"
"Sure you could say that," I look up at him before getting up to meet his level.
Squinting his eyes to further read mine he says, "what gave me away?"
Hesitantly I respond in a soft tone, "your hands are always cold."
"You wouldn't mind warming them up for me then, would you love?" he smiles playfully.
He's messing with me. I just know he is.
"In your dreams Malfoy."
He curled his lip upward almost reaching a smirk before signaling me to walk in front of him.
"What a gentleman," I say sarcastically.
He shows me around the manor and calls it "Draco's Grand Tour," only thing grand about it was his inflating ego. To my pleasure, Draco and I ran into Cedric and Anna on our way up the stairs. Cedric's lips were already intertwined with Anna's by the time we climbed one step.
"Where are we even going?"
"Relax, I have something I wanna show you."
"Well that's comforting coming from you," I say ironically.
At the top of the stairs was a narrow hallway in which I was heavily persuaded to follow Draco through. By heavily persuaded I mean forced.
"You're not scared, are you love?"
"Scared of you or the hallway? You know I'm afraid of clowns after all," I smile at my insinuation that Draco is a clown.
"Very funny," he remarks before turning my shoulders toward a painting on the wall.
"And you brought me here because?" I answer confused.
"My aunt, Bellatrix."
"What about her?" I ask
"She had a daughter... about 17 years ago"
"You're not saying you think I'm the daughter, are you?" I ask, more confused than ever.
"No no, but I think your friend Anna might be."
I pause for a moment. Something about what he's saying makes sense. For once.
"What makes you say all this anyways?"
"Just considering Anna's past, I don't know I thought maybe you could help her get some answers is all."
"Well that's very considerate of you." I say questioning what it is I had just said.
After all, Malloy and considerate don't exactly go hand and hand.
"Anyways, we oughta be off now. Wouldn't want anyone thinking you're up here with me out of pleasure," his face moves in a smirk as he holds eye contact and walks away.
Oh boy, this is turning out to be one hell of a night.

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