"He, uh-" Boss scrunched up his face, thinking back to the conversation. "Well, he said that Tine had been in an accident. Where had it been?" He snapped his fingers, remembering. "It was at that annoying pedestrian crossing with the fucked up traffic light. It's precisely same place where your-" Boss stilled, his eyes growing huge as it suddenly clicked inside his mind. "Where your brother crashed your bike..."

A chill spread along Sarawat's back, his heart skipping over a beat. What were the odds of two accidents happening at the exactly same spot within the same time frame? Well, unless it had been one and the same accident all together, his mind supplied. Fuck. Bile burned Sarawat's throat just even thinking about it, thinking of the possibility that Tine had- that he had-

"Shit, do you think Phukong had something to do with Tine's accident?" Boss whispered stupidly, covering his big mouth in outrage.

"Shut up," Man instantly hissed, seeing Sarawat's face darken and his jaw pop severely when the young man clenched his teeth. This was obviously a touchy subject for Sarawat. However, Man did not quite understand why, since they had talked about this plenty of times, discussing how to help Sarawat work on his strained relationship with his little brother. So, what had changed now?

Suddenly Sarawat rose from his seat, his chair scraped over the floor with a piercing noise and then tipped over, crashing backwards onto the floor with a clamoring sound. Several students turned around, curious to find out what all the fuss was about.

Curling his hands into fists, Sarawat walked briskly out of the cafeteria and stepped out into the sun outside, ignoring his friend's worried shouts for him to come back. He fucking needed some fresh air, it was getting far too suffocating inside the crowded hall. Or maybe it was just his emotions that were suffocating him, making his throat close up. Since when had this become his reality?

Sarawat's phone buzzed annoyingly in the pocket of his jeans with an on slaughter of incoming messages. He exhaled shakily one last time and took out the device, glancing at the screen and what he saw there did not make Sarawat feel any better.

So there was no way around this whole situation, huh? Sarawat stifled a bitter urge to cry, his heart breaking apart piece by piece inside of him. However, he should not feel sad yet, no use in mourning in advance since there was still some time left, or at least one more time. Tine had promised to come back to him after all.


What the hell are you doing? Why the fuck are you meddling with a dead soul's affairs? I'll fucking kick you in the nuts when I get back from my vacation.

Do you realize this is no joke? You could die if the evil spirit drains you!! He's obviously overstayed his welcome in the living world.

Have you found out why he's still here?

Do a good deed now and save the poor thing! Otherwise he'll be stuck in the living world and we'll have no choice but to purge his soul :(


Tine was floating inside the dorm room, his form reduced to a tiny speck of dust that glided mindlessly through the pale daylight. He had a hard time forming coherent thoughts as the darkness inside of him, very much like a blotch of black ink on a wet cloth, was seeping into every fiber of his being as his soul was getting consumed by his desire for Sarawat.

Tine wanted to do the right thing while he was till able to make rational decisions. Just bouncing around like a raw ball of energy, before he became more sentient when coming in close contact with Sarawat, had nothing on what was awaiting him now – an eternity as a slave to his desire, slowly killing his loved one by his own greed. Sarawat had coughed up blood after that soul-sucking kiss and Tine severely blamed himself for it. How many years had he already taken off from Sarawat's life span while hovering around him like this? Tine could not do this anymore. He was beyond salvation and should not drag down Sarawat selfishly with him into this hellish hole that was gradually swallowing Tine from the inside.

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