Chapter 12: The Bedroom Problem

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Tikki murmured something but still ate the snack. Marinette was off to her bed again when she heard something. A sound coming from beyond the bedroom door. Movement.

She hesitantly walked up to the door, gathered up her courage and with a deep breath she peeked through.

It took her eyes a while to adjust, but what she saw blinded her more than staring right into the sun.

She saw Adrien - shirtless - doing Yoga in the living room. 

Marinette's throat went dry. She squeezed the handle so she wouldn't faint. 

She was obviously aware that he was fit and athletic. She knew all those things... but not in her wildest dreams - and believe me, they were wild - did she imagine him like a Greek statue under that shirt. She swallowed as he performed the Yoga cat pose while listening to some early-morning Lo-fi beats.

Part of Marinette wanted to run up to him and do something very, very stupid. Her reasonable part on the other hand commanded her to abort the mission and silently return back to base before he noticed her.

Then there was fate.

She sneezed.

Oh Lord...

She looked up and met his glance. The green eyed boy looked as shocked as Marinette felt. 

"S-sorry." Marinette said and tried to close the door behind herself.

"N-no!" urged Adrien. "It's fine. I am sorry, I didn't expect you to be awake so soon."

Marinette stopped midway closing the door, avoiding looking at him. "Oh I... heard something, so I just checked you out, I mean, I checked it out, not that I was looking at you or anything."

She heard him get off his yoga matt. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"You didn't really-" she wiped her sleepy eyes. "I barely slept." Because of you.

"I... I had it the same." I doubt it.

She looked down at her feet. Anywhere but not on his abs. Don't be a creep, Marinette. "What were you doing? Yoga?"

"Yeah... It wakes me up. But, Marinette, if you want to go try sleep again..."

Be brave. Say the truth. Say iiiiiit. "No, it's fine. I am awake. Or half awake... Barely conscious but walking."There you go, girl. She stepped in the living room and closed the bedroom door behind her. Don't think about looking, don't think.. don't you even. OK! Just a little glance-

She looked up. He was even hotter up close. And he got closer and closer-

Marinette's heart was barely beating-

Adrien picked up his shirt from the chair near Marinette. A six pack spotted. Oh, don't be so childish, Marinette. She realized he was blushing same as her if not more.

"I am so sorry for scaring you like that." he said shyly.

Marinette walked around him and sat at the kitchen counter-table. "Stop apologizing so much, Adrien. I for one don't mind." WHERE DID THAT COME FROM.

Yes. Now it really was Adrien who was blushing harder. That was the first time in their relationship... or friendship... when he was more lost for words then she was. 

"I... Well... in that case..." Adrien shrugged and walked behind the counter, pretending to be a server. "So what will it be today, my lady? Café, strong café or the strongest café?"

Marinette rolled her tired eyes. "All of the above, please."

"Understood." He spun around, preparing the coffee machine.

At that moment Marinette exhaled deeply. What is going on. What is going on. What is going on. Why is shirtless Adrien serving me coffee and why am I not panicking? Wait, am I panicking right now? Oh no...

"So how are you feeling?" He said.

"Better. I have to say... that magical tea is a life saver. I barely realize I am sick today. What time is it?"

"Six in the morning." He said, turning at her with his lean body and two steaming cups of coffee. But Marinette knew which of those three things was the hottest.

"Do you often wake up before six and do yoga?" she said, taking her cup with a surfing penguin on it.

"Yeah. Today I took it lightly, since I didn't feel like listening to a documentary today." He blushed when she shot him a look. "Hey, I thought everyone did that..." he chuckled nervously.

"Not everyone is a productivity God like you, Adrien. My parents would probably kill me if I was awake at such an hour and already up and running."

"Your parents are the nicest people I know. And I love their croissants more than dear life." he said out of nowhere.

"Uhm... yes." Marinette nodded. "I... I love them so much." 

Adrien glanced down, his ears dropping. There was no playing now.

"Adrien..." Marinette felt so bad suddenly. That was a soft spot for Adrien. "I know that your mom was kind, sweet and gentle and..." She jumped of her chair and walked around the counter. "and she would be so proud of you today."

Adrien didn't look up. "My Father..."

Marinette grabbed his shoulder. She barely registered what she was doing... or who she was touching. Helping people was natural to her. "Forget about your Father. If he doesn't see that you are the kindest, most hard working boy in whole Paris, then I think he will need a new pair of glasses because those he has now are obviously not working! No matter what you, still find time for others, you are sweet, generous and despite being the best, you are never arrogant and you are perfect- the perfect son anyone could wish for, I mean." 

"You really think that?" he said softly and Marinette nodded, letting go of his shoulder.

Adrien shook his head resolutely and put on his t-shirt. "Thank you, Marinette... I... I am not really sure what I was thinking... It's probably because of the lack of sleep..." He trailed off and turned his attention to his cup of coffee.

"Look, I'd offer you some sweets to make you feel better, but there is a horrible shortage of anything tasty and unhealthy for you to enjoy here. So... what would you say if we baked today, when you will have time? There are enough ingredients..."

He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "Baked?"

"Yeah. We could bake some of those croissants if you'd like..."

Adrien's melancholy vanished. That spark in his eyes, his spark, that illuminated Marinette's world returned. He couldn't stop smiling at the baker's daughter when he said: "That would be beyond perfect, Marinette."

After their little pre-breakfast Marinette excused herself and ran into the bedroom. Then it all fell down on her like a thousand bricks. She took a deep breath and silenced herself from screaming.

I saw him shirtless. I talked without stuttering. I touched him... 

...and he let me.


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