How great!

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Waking up, Hoseok didn't find Yoongi near him. He decided to change his clothes and go down to where the elder could most probably be.

Yoongi, in the meantime, looked up to see Hoseok walking down the stairs, drying his hair after a shower. When the younger boy came closer, Yoongi noticed water still dripping from the jet black stands of hair. He snatched the towel from Hoseok and attempted to dry his hair harshly.

"Ow... T-that hurts" Hoseok was shy. "Be more gently, Yoongi"

"I'm better atleast" Yoongi claimed, running his hands through Hoseok's hair. His hair, it's so soft. Yoongi couldn't help but smile when he saw Hoseok closing his eyes, while sitting on the slab of the kitchen, and shaking his legs.

Then, it suddenly occurred to him that...that the burning smell was that of the omelette that he cooked for Hoseok, to be precise.

"Mm... Why did you stop?" Hoseok questioned with his eyes closed.

"The food is all burnt now, what will you- I meant.... I eat now?"

"Um... How about we make something together?" Hoseok proposed the idea.

How great.


And, that's how it started. It would have been better if Yoongi got the flour from the topmost shelf of the kitchen, but Hoseok, being all confident tried his hands on it, to only see the whole packet of flour landing on him.

Yoongi was busy cooking something he doesn't remember now, when Hoseok called for help.

"Who told you do this? Hobi, you-" Yoongi was irritated, but watching Hoseok stand in front of him with all his clothes littered with flour, making a weird expression, he let out a loud laugh. It's been many days since he's been like this, he thinks. Yoongi is really quiet, but when he's with someone that's Hoseok, he sometimes lets it all out.

"What? Did you just laugh at me? How dare you-" Hoseok grabbed a decent amount of flour in his fists and aimed at Yoongi.

", don't do that, I-I'm warning you" But, Hoseok was so into it that he giggled when that heap of flour landed on Yoongi's face.

"You- just wait-" And both of them started running around the kitchen, hands full of white flour, aimed at each other.

That was until Yoongi caught hold of Hoseok and grabbed him tightly by his waist, with the younger's back facing his chest. He smeared Hoseok's face with the flour, making sure that he didn't hurt his eyes. Both of them laughed in the end.

"O-okay, okay. You win" Hoseok gave in, and leaned over the other's chest even more, closing his eyes, hearing his heartbeat. It was comfortable, Hoseok smiles, with his eyes still closed.

"Enough, we need a shower. You go first, I think we'll order something today" there, Hoseok put up a pouty face.

"Why do turn into a stone every now then?" Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, "We were having fun-"

"N-no! Go and have a shower!" Yoongi commands.

"You meanie!" Hoseok runs to the bathroom before Yoongi could answer.

After Yoongi sees the younger out of sight, he brings his palm close to his heart that is beating in an inhumane pace. He would be wrong if he says he didn't enjoy company with Hoseok; he rather enjoyed it more than anything, more than eating breakfast, or doing anything.

Yoongi smiles a lot these days, and he smiled even now.

"There you go, I'm done, okay?" Hoseok came back.


The meal was delicious, both of them had to agree. The television played and Hoseok looked straight into the screen. With his eyes feeling heavy, he lays down on Yoongi's lap, and smiled. It felt warm.

How great, Yoongi thought, as he remembered everything that happened earlier this morning. Smiling at the now sleeping Hoseok, he runs his fingers through his soft hair once more and closes his eyes shut.


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