Stygian Dusk x Albert

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Requested by: IneedHelp7 (they really need help.)

Summary: Albert goes to a mountain and then gets f^*ked by Stygian. Also, his translators aren't there.

It was afternoon. Albert shivers a little as he walked on the snowy pathway inside of an abandoned village. He was wearing 2 sets of coats, a pair of mittens, and a beanie since Stygian had told him to before coming here through his translators, telling him that it was gonna be cold; and the brunette was glad that he did, because or else he would've underdressed and ended up freezing to death on his way.
The brunette takes multiple glances around the place, and although the sun hadn't set yet, the place oddly seemed to be dark and there were torches hung here and there on the houses that led towards the lofty mountain that stood some distance away from where he was. God, why was it even snowing here?

Anyways, once Albert arrived at the foot of the mountain he took off his mittens and began to rub his hands as he breathed out into them. After doing that, he kept it in his pocket. He looks back up towards the huge reddish-orangish door with a golden circular doorknob on the middle of the prominent rock, and he proceeded to take hold of it and starts knocking on it a few times to see if anyone would answer him.
After a minute of waiting and seeing that no one was answering him, Albert knocks again, a bit harder this time. A yelp escapes from him when the door opens on its own all of a sudden, and the flames of the torches indoors that were hung on a stone wall of a long hallway began to light up one by one, starting from where Albert was. Albert looked into the entrance with widened eyes. He didn't immediately enter as he had planned on doing, but instead just looked around a bit uneasy by the fact that the door had opened on its own.
That's when in the distance of the hallway he saw a figure slowly approaching him, they were glowing a torrid aura, and as they got closer Albert identities the being to be his... well, boyfriend. Albert wasn't so sure yet since although they were "dating", they didn't see each other that often. A smile grew on Stygian's face once he arrived in front of him—Albert notices something new about the deity, he was wearing a fancy-looking oriental robe and had his hands kept behind his back. His translators were... not here. Albert could already tell that they were gonna have a great time with communication.

"こんにちは, 私の愛する人間."

"Oh, uhm... h-hello!" Albert greeted, assuming that he had said 'hello' to him in a formal way.

"私の愛の中に来て、そこは寒いです. 緊張しないで〜" Stygian says as he gestures the brunette to come over towards his side.

Albert came indoors and just as he did so, the door slams shut on its own behind him, causing him to flinch. Stygian chuckles at his startled state and pulls him closer to his side as he took hold of his hands and warms them up—Albert blushes a little when he felt the other's warm body come into contact with his cold one, and he nervously looks around the place. Stygian proceeded to take him towards some staircase that led up to a stone/metallic door and once they arrived, he would say, "私たちは今、楽屋にいます. 服を着替えて、クローゼットの中にある私が選んだローブを着てください。ここであなたを待っています. " "Uh..." Albert blankly stares up towards him with a questioning look. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Stygian motions for him to go towards the door. "さあ、私たちは一日中持っていません!" "Oh- okay!" Albert says as he hurriedly went over towards there. He slowly opens the door, since it was pretty heavy, and takes a look inside before entering. It was pretty basic, your typical Japanese room but with it being empty and the only thing in there being a single closet and a mirror. Albert glances back towards Stygian and enters the room, he gently closes the door behind him and takes in the homie scent of the place. The place had a quite a bit of a flowery scent to it. Anyways, Albert goes over towards the closet and opens the door to find a... a feminine red robe with black and white flower patterns all over it. What the heck Stygian.
His eyes were widened a little as he gazes at the clothing with a vacant look.

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