Wings and healing abilities

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Ella POV:

Hope had a feather of my wings that would protect her? I had wings? Really wings?

I couldn't see or feel them and that was true of everyone in the room except Hope. I didn't know how to handle this information, let alone form words that made sense, my head was empty. First the soul-eater, now that, what was the next thing that this world would throw in my way?

"Then we would have proof that you really are an angel," Klaus remarked to him with an annoyed look, he should really stop telling me again and again that I was an angel, I already knew that myself. What has now been confirmed by the pen, which Hope refused to give up. However it was possible that she held a real feather in her hands, my logical mind told me that it could not be possible, but I saw the proof in front of me and all the other adults as well. That being said, with the exception of Hayley, each of those present would be many years

"Niklaus, that Ella is an earthly angel, we already know," Elijah remarked, and Hayley surveyed the pen that Freya said would protect her daughter for a long time. We would soon find out what exactly this protection looked like.

"Have you ever seen such a radiant feather before?" Klaus informed his brother, "Have you ever seen an earthly angel in his angelic form?" Freya informed him. Something new that I didn't know, so there was also an angel iced shape,what was the next? I would be able to fly with these wings?

Hayley and Klaus left Freya and Elijah alone with me, she had found the source of the soul-eater, but an uneasy feeling crept into me, that the identity would mean nothing good and reveal a part of their past that Freya preferred to leave closed.

"There is an angelic form?" Elijah informed his sister, Freya affirmed this, explaining that when an earthly angel had reached its true form, even normal mortals could see it. So I could expect a lot more.

"The soul-eater is after her not only because she is an earthly angel, she has the ability to heal, the person who commissioned the soul-eater wants to claim the ability for herself," Freya revealed part of what she had seen. But I didn't get rid of the feeling that she already knew more.

I left Elijah and Freya alone, so not only did I have wings that I could neither see nor feel, my ability that I hadn't even noticed myself, made sure that a soul-eater wanted to steal my soul because the ability was valuable to someone else?

In the room Elijah had assigned tome, I leaned against the bed and let myself sink to the floor, I could look outside from my seat and see the blue sky.

When I thought back to what the last meeting with my family was like, we had broken up in strife, I hadn't felt understood, let alone that they were listening to me, I felt no matter what I was saying, no one heard me as if I was speaking a language that no one else understood.

The feeling of being alone, of being incomprehensible, of being frustrated, of being very much, I could still remember it very well. I felt knocked out, I didn't have a proper relationship with my sister, we argued more than anything else, she was a very dominant person.

I was just too stupid (?) to fight myself, I couldn't get me under the means of them.

But now I was in a different world, one full of magic, various supernatural creatures, and apparently one of them. Apart from being the companion of a great vampire and thus automatically had a target on my back.

But what didn't scare me, it was supposed to be, but what scared me was the bond that tied me to Elijah. It was already strong.

I didn't even have to guess where he was. He was discussing with Klaus what they had experienced, what this meant for Hope, and that I knew where he was and what he was doing, scared me the greatest. If I could, he knew where I was and why I probably didn't want to meet him. The very thought caused the unpleasant feeling of nakedness, I had never told a living soul about my asexuality, and the thought that he could know about it, without which I had decided to tell it, felt weird.

But if he already knew, why hadn't he asked me about it. The logical part of my brain led to him talking to me for sure, or he would wait until I said something myself, but that didn't suit his behavior.

If that were the case and he knew about it, he would have addressed me, but if I trusted my feelings, he knew nothing about my asexuality.

If I just imagined telling someone about it, I got sick.

Elijah sat next to me and looked worryingly at the lake that lay in front of us. We were at a small lake with different huts, it was quiet and yet it felt full.

"Because you're asexual, you didn't want me to get to know you? Because of something that so many people have come up with? Imagined it?" he said, which I feared i would ever hear.

I shook my head, I probably wouldn't get such a reaction from Elijah, but the fear that he wouldn't believe me, or would laugh at me, would consider me a jammed prude nun, had only become stronger since the tape.

Why would he laugh at me? Why did it bother me what others thought? I wasn't like others anyway, I was from another world, I wasn't like others.

And yet the thought of telling someone I was still struggling to accept how I was, my stomach pulled up and I felt the ice water running through my veins.

I should stop thinking about something that wouldn't happen, I'd do the devil and talk about asexuality with a vampire who, unlike me, was much older.

That very different things would happen soon, I had no idea at that time.

A/N: The reaction Ella imagines here is a horror idea for her, what the horror imagining Elijah says, asexuals (Ace) often get to hear when they openly deal with not feeling sexual attraction. Ella struggles with it because she is already different because of her gift, then asexuality comes along and then she is also from another world. All this makes her special, even though she just wants to be normal.

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