The Trees are Watching

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Nothing surrounded them for miles other than a sea of Phalanx trees, one taller than the next, dawning thick coats of pure snow on its deep emerald pine needle leaves. The trees lined the snowy trail, towering over them like knowing gods as Yoongi drove up the mountain drowned in white to their cabin.

Jungkook rolled down the window of his passenger seat and poked his head out of the window. He looked up at the towering trees and inhaled the icy air.

"Close the window it's freezing!" Taehyung kicked Jungkook's seat from the backseat.

"Is he still grumpy?" Jungkook retorted, retreating back into the warmth of the car. "Maybe you should try it too Tae, it'll cool that temper right down." He chuckled to himself.

"Stop picking on him." Hoseok warned Jungkook from beside Taehyung. He closed the book he was reading, or attempting to read. He wasn't much of a reader but it was the only way he could control the car sickness he'd been feeling the entire trip here. He wasn't one to get carsick either but there was an endless pit digging into his stomach.

"Close the windows Jungkook, you're wasting the heat." Yoongi sternly instructed the youngest of their group.

"Alright alright." Jungkook sighed in defeat.

Hoseok looked out his window, hoping the serene winter landscape would alleviate his nausea. Instead, the hairs on his nape stood up on end as he stared up the trees. Hoseok shivered and quickly turned away — feeling as one would when a stranger doesn't look away even when you catch them staring.

Suddenly Hoseok felt naked, as if all the great trees in the woods were curling down upon him, skinning him down layer by layer with its pine needles until it reached the essence of his soul and tore it out of his body.

Hoseok gasped, clutching his heart, sucking in the air but no oxygen seemed to enter his lungs. "Stop..." he wheezed.

Taehyung looked over at Hoseok questioningly. "Did you say something?"

Hoseok gasped for more air. "Stop the car..." he squeezed out, almost doubling over.

Taehyung's eyes widened and he frantically batted the back of the driver's seat. "Yoongi stop the car! Hobi's sick!"

"What?!" Startled, Yoongi swerved out of the trail and pushed down on the breaks. The car skid on the hardened snow and jerked to a stop as it hit the trunk of a tree. An avalanche of snow, unhinged from the branches by the impact, piled onto the hood of the car.

Hoseok tore his seatbelt away and pushed open the car door with the weight of his body. He practically crawled out of the car and threw up onto the snow.

Taehyung jumped out after him. The younger friend rubbed Hoseok's back as he puked his guts out. Taehyung turned away from the sight to keep himself from getting nauseous as well.

"Is he ok!" Yoongi grabbed a water bottle from the cup holder and rushed out of the driver's seat, leaving the door ajar. He was more worried about Hoseok than the state of their vehicle.

Jungkook climbed out last and peered over to his two friends tending to his sick brother from the other side. His eyes shifted to the hill of snow atop of their car which covered the entirety of the windshield and then to the front bumper crashed against the tree trunk. Jungkook pushed some snow away from the bumper with his gloved hands to check for damages. Thankfully there weren't any thanks to their installed impact bar.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked as Hoseok rose to his feet and handed him the water bottle.

Hoseok gargled the water in his mouth and spat it back out to rid the taste of vomit. Yoongi handed him a tissue which he gladly took and wiped his mouth. "Ugh, I don't know. I just couldn't breath all of a sudden and I got really nauseous."

"Do you feel any better now? Or should we get you to a hospital?" Yoongi asked, his eyes reflecting an intense gaze of concern.

"Hospital?" Hoseok shook his head and laughed weakly. "I just got carsick, don't worry." He tried his best to convince him with a smile.

"You scared the shit out of me though." Taehyung mumbled, looking back at the car. "Now if this isn't a bad omen then I don't know what is..."

"Cut the superstitious crap." Jungkook said as he threw a snowball at Taehyung's chest. "You're only saying that because you didn't want to come."

"Why you!" Taehyung shouted through gritted teeth. Stomping over to the car, he gathered the biggest handful of snow and threw it at Jungkook. Of course he missed, as the agile younger boy swiftly moved out of the way laughing at his friend's futile attempt at retaliation. It was even kind of cute.

"You can't avoid Jimin forever." Jungkook replied in a softer tone now. "Take this chance as an excuse to see him again and apologize."

"Why should I have to apologize? He's the one who misunderstood, got mad on his own. Plus he doesn't even want to talk to me. I tried texting him yesterday and it didn't even go through." Taehyung huffed and kicked the snow on the ground with a pout. "He probably blocked me and wants nothing to do with me anymore..."

"I'm sure that's not true." Jungkook insisted. "Because we couldn't get a hold of Jin and Namjoon either since they left with Jimin for the cabin ahead of us earlier this week. They probably don't have any service."

Taehyung folded his arms defensively to his chest but sighed. "Whatever..."

"Guy's help me clear the snow off the car so we can get to the cabin before the sun sets." Yoongi called to Jungkook and Taehyung as he walked up to the vehicle and began pushing the snow off.

"Let me help too." Hoseok offered, walking up as well.

"No, you just get some more fresh air and relax." Yoongi told him without turning back.

"Yea we got this." Jungkook affirmed and Taehyung nodded in agreement.

Hoseok sighed and looked around them. They truly were in the middle of nowhere. The 5 o'clock evening sun casted lanky shadows of the trees onto the milky canvas of the mountain. The woods were just so awfully quiet, not a cricket could be heard in the distance. All Hoseok could hear was the buzzing of his own ears. And all he could feel was the weight of a thousand eyes watching him...

Another shiver ran up Hoseok's spine and he quickly climbed into the car and closed the door shut.

After a few minutes, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung were done clearing away the snow from off the hood of their car.

"Alright let's go. I'm cold as hell." Yoongi cursed as he climbed into the driver's seat and buckled in his seat belts.

"The guys better have some hot chocolate ready for us when we get there." Jungkook mumbled mostly to himself as he rubbed his cold hands together.

Yoongi pulled the car back onto the mountain trail and drove towards their cabin to reunite with Jimin, Namjoon and Jin for their winter vacation.

Note: Hi guys I'm sin! So i'll be posting this story as I write it so if you find yourself enjoying it, please be patient with me about updates :) And please comment your reactions and feedback, I love hearing from anyone who stumbles across my stories. Anyways Enjoy! (I'm srry abt typos in advance rip)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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