He took a look at her. She really is a great singer. Her beautiful voice matches her personality and her appearance. Levi found himself smiling at her.

"Hey Levi, I never thought you were a plushie lover." Petra giggled.

He felt himself faintly blushing, he completely forgot about the fox plushie that was sitting on his lap.

"Tch, This isn't mine idiot" He snapped. Luckily the group was used to Levi's colorful vocabulary.

(Y/n) sat beside him, panting from her singing, she eyed the plushie before looking up at Levi, then started giggling.

Levi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Tch, What?"

She stopped giggling, took a few breaths and said, "Never thought you were a plushie lover" she said, Clearly amused.

Levi Clicked his Tongue again, and handed the plush to her. "It's not for me brat, I got for you"

This simple action made (y/n) made her blushing like crazy.

"A-ah, thank y-you Levi" She wispered, looking away.

Petra and Hanji was clearly amused at this interaction.

Time skip

After a few more games and songs, they were on their way home.

(Y/n) thought before that going home was the best part of the day, but today, she was absolutely dreading it.

The cold wind blew at them signaling winter was about to come. But (y/n) was sweating, almost tripping over air, and murmuring quietly.

Hanji noticed her friend's discomfort, walked behind to her.

"So how's your confession plan going?" Hanji asked, putting her hands on her shoulder.

"I don't know Hanji, I don't know how he feels." she wailed out.

Hanji sighed, sad for her friend. "Now (y/n), how will you know how he feels if you don't confess to him? It can't be that bad right?"

She sighed through her nose and smiled, looking at Hanji, "Yeah, Thanks Hanji"

"Your welcome! Now prepare yourself! Mine's and The two lovebird's street is coming!" That made (y/n) extra nervous.

She took deep breaths and cleared her mind 'ok, I can do this! Your a/an (L/n) after all!' she eased her mind.

First Person View

"Ok Here's our street! See you all on Monday! Keep safe!" Hanji waved at us, taking their turn.

"Bye guys! We had fun today!" Petra said her goodbyes also.

Leaving me with Levi.

Oh crap.

It's now or never (y/n).

"Levi? Can I talk to you?" I asked quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Hmm? Oh, sure. Let's go by the bench again alright?" He said, walking towards the bench we sat on few days ago.

We were sitting at the edge of the bench, he us facing each other. I cleared my throat.

It's now or never. Just say what you feel.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong with you? You've been nervous and fidgety all day"

Here it goes..

"Levi, When I met you, I thought that you were so cold and stoic that I couldn't talk to or be friends with it even, but as time passes, I discovered a new side of you I thought I'd never see.

I kept thinking of you this past few weeks, especially that night, on this bench. I've thought about it hard, and here it goes. Levi, I like you"

There, I said It.

But what happened next, completely suprised me.

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