Chapter 19 - I Shouldn't Love Him But I Do

Start from the beginning


Max - Chloe, where are you?

Chloe - I'm in town, I'll be back soon, does anyone know you're calling me?

Max - get back to school or you're in serious trouble

Chloe - yeah yeah


Chloe hung up "I'm guessing that was Max?" Chloe nodded "apparently everyone is worried about me" Chris smiled and Chloe continued "so sir, tell me who your secret crush is then" Chris frowned "what secret crush?" Chloe grinned "the one you were telling me about when I told you I was falling in love with Max" "oh, well she's unavailable" Chloe frowned "oh, who is she?" "I'm not saying" Chloe pouted her lip "come on, I told you about Max" Chris laughed "no" Chloe sighed "fine, but you owe me a secret" Chris laughed.

Chris had taken Chloe back to school "thanks for this sir" Chris smiled "no worries, and as for Max, he'll back off soon" Chloe smiled but lost the smile when Max walked over "Chloe with me now" Chloe rolled her eyes but followed him "what?" Max shook his head "not here". Chloe followed Max to the cooler "now tell me what?" Instead of speaking Max pushed Chloe against the wall "have fun with Christopher?" Chloe smirked "jealous?" Max rolled his eyes "don't be ridiculous" Chloe scoffed "then why have you got me pushed against a wall?" Max didn't speak instead he roughly kissed her and she kissed back, she soon pushed him away "yeah, you're jealous" Max smirked "I want you round mine tonight" chloe shook her head "not happening" Max glared "yes you will" "no I won't".

Chloe left the cooler after her rendevouz with Max and went looking for Charlotte "well, I saw something intresting earlier" Charlotte frowned "what?" Chloe smiled "you kissing a certain Tom Clarkson" Charlotte paled "please don't say anything, Eddie would kick me out" Chloe smiled "he wouldn't, he's not like that" Charlotte smiled "has Bolton said anything about me?" Chloe shook her head "nope" Charlotte sighed "he's not intrested is he?" Chloe smiled "this is Bolton, he plays hard to get" Charlotte nodded.

Max was looking at Chloe's grades when Rachel walked in "ah Rachel, I've been offered the position of teaching" Rachel frowned "yeah right" Max smirked "its true" Rachel scoffed "who have you blackmailed now?" "NoOne" Rachel sighed "well Chloe's back" Max nodded "I've seen her" Rachel nodded.

Chloe was sitting in the common room when Chris walked in "everything alright?" Chloe nodded "what did Max want?" Chloe shook her head "nothing, find out why I left school" Chris nodded "I shouldn't love him but I do" Chris sighed "like I said, you can't help who you fall for" Chloe groaned "its bloody ridiculous" Chris laughed and walked out.

Chloe joined Charlotte and Chlo for PSHE with a supply teacher when Max came walking down the corridor "right I'm your new teacher for this subject and I expect your grades to remain brilliant" Charlotte and Chlo looked at Chloe "you alright?" Chloe nodded and they entered the classroom.

Chloe puck Aubree up and went to leave but before she could Eddie approached her "Chloe, has your mum spoken to you about going out tonight?" Chloe shook her head "no, why?" "Well I offered to take us all out for dinner tonight" Chloe nodded "I'll come" Eddie smiled. When Chloe got home she got ready into a white dress with boots "Chloe you ready?" "Yeah" Chloe was about to go downstairs when she saw a text from Charlotte -

*Lottie - On Our Way x

*Chloe - Okay x

Chloe went downstairs "wow you're making an effort aren't you?" Rachel smiled "Chloe I want to look nice" Chloe laughed "anyone would think you fancy Eddie" Rachel flushed with embarrasment "yeah you're in love" Rachel rolled her eyes. Eddie and Charlotte pulled up and entered the house "you look nice Chloe" "thanks Eddie" Rachel grinned "who's car are we going in?" "How about yours Rach? That way Aubree's carseat is in there" Rachel nodded and they went to Rachel's car. Arriving at the Toby Carvery Chloe noticed Max's car "er can you take Aubree in? I need some fresh air" Rachel nodded and took the carseat from Chloe. Once everyone had gone in Chloe walked over to Max's car "are you following me?" Max smirked "I thought I told you to come round mine?" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah well I got invited out" Max smirked again "how about you finish here and then I'll pick you up" Chloe smirked "I'll see" Chloe got out the car and walked in.

Once they had finished their meal Rachel drove everyone back to hers. When they got there Chloe noticed Adam's car "ooh me thinks someone's abit jealous" Charlotte laughed "er girls go in the house" Rachel handed Charlotte the keys and watched as the girls walked in. Once Rachel was sure the girls were in the house she walked over to Adam "where you been?" Rachel sighed "Chloe and Charlotte wanted to go out for a meal" Adam nodded "right so why did he go?" Rachel frowned "he's Charlotte's foster father, therefore he has too" Adam rolled his eyes "if there's something going on then I will find out" Rachel rolled her eyes "I would never cheat Adam" "I should hope not" Adam got in his car and drove off "I'll get Charlotte and go" Rachel smiled "leave her here tonight, it will be nice for Chloe, take her mind off Max" Eddie nodded and went home.

Chloe had just settled Aubree when her phone vibrated and she saw a text from Max -

*Max - where are you ?

*Chloe - I'm sorry, I'll come tomorrow

*Max - I need to speak with you in school tomorrow

*Chloe - okay

Chloe and Charlotte stayed up until 1:30 and then Charlotte went into the room Rachel had given her and Chloe climbed into her bed and fell asleep dreading the conversation with Max tomorrow.

A/N - , Sorry It Took So Long, I Got Distracted By Candy Crush XD, But Yeah, Hope You Likeed The Update - This Chapter Is For StrangeDesires (: xoxo

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