𝗆𝗒 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗇𝖾

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(y/n)'s perspective

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(y/n)'s perspective

i was dragging my bleeding body through the timid floor of the icy grocery store. the air had suddenly tightened around me, getting harder to breathe.

my lungs were longing for the little scraps of oxygen i was able to inhale, but with a blood- thirsty-revenge-filled 6'4 ft. tall man chasing me around the dirty floors of an abandoned grocery store with a shotgun, i could feel an anxiety attack threatening me.

"okay, it's gonna be okay. i just need a plan," i thought. "bad and sapnap had already made their escapes, and i had to find a way to sneak around these guards, then we'll figure out what else to do. but for now, i just have to get out."

i half crawled-half-limped my way through most shelves, trying to think of a way to juke my enemy.

my heart was racing and i'm not strong enough to take any risks right now, so i have to be able to drag my weak body out without getting seen.

there was so much adrenaline pumping through my veins that every inch of my body that cried out in pain due to my stab wounds were silenced.

it was a weird feeling, but i had to rely on it to get through this without giving myself away.

i was mostly afraid of leaving a blood trail to lead straight to me, but the bleeding wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

that didn't mean that i wasn't getting pretty lightheaded, though.

sapnap's perspective

"bad! go get mynx!" i shouted to bad as he slapped his hand over my mouth to quiet me.

he had taken an emergency exit while everyone was distracted to get outside, where we could run around the store to the actual warehouse's entrance.

bad laid me down beside the dumpster, using that as a second field of defense from any one else's view.

"nick, i-" bad was stumbling over his words as he was distracted by my heavily bleeding wound. "i, i- i can't! she has to meet us out here or else we all will die!" he panicked.

despite how much of a badass bad actually is, he never was good at handling serious situations.

"do you have anything we could use to stop the bleeding?" i winced through the pain as i held my hand over my shoulder. i couldn't feel my arm or do much with it at all.

"let me try this:" bad said as he took off my bandana and tied that around my shoulder, tight enough to stop to bleeding. i was lucky enough to not have been shot anywhere important.

i don't even know where mynx was stabbed since bad had raced to me before i caught sight of what was happening.

"i hope (y/n) makes it out,"


(y/n)'s perspective

i heard loud footsteps

coming closer and closer

i froze,


for the sound





as the clacking of oxford flat shoes raced against the cheap tile, i pulled my body inside of a fallen shelf again.

"where the hell is that bitch," i heard whispered under the breath of the poor tall boy.

i didn't sympathize for him at all in the moment, but wilbur was feeling his own torment of letting one of his soldiers die, especially the one he loved so deeply.

i listened as closely as possible, squeezing my eyelids shut in genuine fear.

and as i opened them, i had seen those shiny dark brown shoes pacing in front of me.

my heart had almost stopped as i had inhaled a sharp breath of air, clamping my hand over my mouth to silence myself.

to my amazement, the brunette had not heard me, and continued pacing past me.

i sat there for another moment, pondering when i should finally make a run for it.

as another shot of adrenaline bursted through my bloodstream, i had gathered the strength to drag my body out of the shelf. i hadn't really known where i was going, and with my thigh all messed up, i wasn't able to stand up straight or walk properly.

and peeking my head up was too much of a risk, so i looked at the ceiling. since the doors had practically been busted down, i would be able to tell by which area of the ceiling was the lightest, meaning sunlight was closest to signifying where the exit should be.

i feel like if i go back the way the 6'3 giant was had started chasing me with, i could make an easy escape.

and since tommy and tubbo were distracted, i could cut by them and meet sapnap and bad in the back alley.

so i dragged my numb legs back the way i had came, knowing that my opponent was assuming i was running away and not following the trail he left to leave.


a/n: so it's 2;13 am and i gotta wake up early tmr but i really wanted to get this out so you all could read it <3 i love you guys pls enjoy this new chapter !!!

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