The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 14

Start from the beginning

“It would be totally defeatist. And you know, we’re tough, you and I,” I say, massaging his head like a professional masseur. Kade agrees, “I know we are. It’s just that Kristene said our love will be tested in The Sixth Zone, and that’s something I don’t wanna risk,” he says, his voice imbued with pleasure, so I massage harder, “We’re strong, Kade. Nothing can stand in the way of what we’ve got, nothing!” I say.


Kade continues to talk as we dress, “I think we should go mingle with the others, act like nothings happened, lull them into a false sense of security. And then when they’ve gone to bed, we’ll lock them all in the dormitory, while we figure out where The Sixth Zone is – you got any thoughts on that?” He asks, buttoning his jeans.

“No – I can’t even think about it right now. Let’s go mingle and I’ll have a serious think when I know the group are all safely locked up,” I say, fixing my hair.


The group are still in a joyful, party mood.

Troy spots us and walks towards us looking slightly pissed, “Great. You guys go off for some personal time and leave us to deal with this crowd of – crazies!” He says, with a controlled but angry whisper.

“Drop it, Troy!”

He looks at his hands then back at Kade, "Drop what?" He asks, in his clipped English accent. "Your attitude. Believe me, socializing with a bunch of sweet smelling crazies is preferable to what Tan and I have just had to deal with," says Kade. Troy changes his tone, "I apologize. It's just that I miss Kelly terribly so. She would have known how to converse with these people. I rather feel like a fish out of water," he says, his eyes tearing up. Kade softens, "We'll get her back buddy, don't you worry." He looks at us both, "Now, let's go mingle," he says, leading us into the party.


"Oh, here they come, our liberators," declares the lady-cradling baby Belinda. The group erupt into a spontaneous bout of cheering that only subsides after Kade hollers, "ENOUGH!"

The sudden silence is unnerving and I notice that they're all staring at me with weird half smiles on their faces.

A feeling of déjà-a-vu sweeps over me as I recall where I remember seeing many of these faces before. It was at my birthday party, my first social engagement as a girl, when my cousin Charlotte announced she would be donating her womb to me. Their stares creep me out – just like they did back in my early girly days.

A female voice from one of the group breaks the silence, "She's a work of art." Followed by another, "As is Troy. He was designed to be her husband – the perfect couple!" Then a guy's voice, "Hey, when are you two perfect specimens getting married, we could do with a wedding?"

Being referred to as a ‘specimen’ freaks me out. I take Kade's hand and when I do there is a mass 'gasp' from the group followed by disappointed whispers:

"She's with him!"

"What a shame."

"Imagine choosing a physically inferior specimen as a partner..."

Kade interrupts their weird words with his authoritative leaders voice, "OK everyone, listen up. The dormitory that my mother has prepared for you all is now open. We'd like you all to retire there now as we have a very busy day tomorrow." He looks at the woman cradling Belinda, "Could you please give the baby back to Troy and join your friends," he says, politely.

As she hands the baby over, she looks at Kade and I, "May I ask where Kristene is?"

Kade is taken off guard and stumbles over his words, "Erm she's, she's in the bathtub, de..."

… "De-stressing. She's taking a warm bath. We'll have her join you when she's done," I cut in.

The woman raises a suspicious eyebrow, "De-stressing, really?" She says this like a question, addressed to me. My answer is firm, "Yes, that's right: de-stressing." Her eyes bore into mine, dark and penetrating, "I see. Then leave her to it, after all, she has been to hell and back." She says, before turning and joining the rest of the group en route to the dormitory.


As soon as they are all inside, Kade secures the locking system and turns on the security monitors so we can observe the group at all times.


Afterwards, Kade, carrying two glasses of lemonade, joins me on the couch, "Another un-eventful evening, our life is so God Damned Boring," he says, with a sarcastic chuckle.

I only half hear him as my mind is whirring.

A thought slams into me and I think it out loud – "I know where The Sixth Zone is."

Kade puts his drink down, "Where?" He asks, with extreme interest.

"Let me correct that. I'm not sure 'where' it is, but I know 'what' it is," I say.

I feel Kade's impatience, "What is it?"

I look at him with knowing eyes, "The Sixth Zone is – Hell."

Kade’s caring side instinctively kicks in and he takes my hand, “What makes you think that?” He asks.

“That woman said Kristene’s been to hell and back. Kristene said she’s been to The Sixth Zone, as have I. It makes sense,” I explain. 

I look down to collect my thoughts, then back at Kade to give them, “I’ve been to Hell. Truth is: meeting you, your love brought me back,” I say, slightly embarrassed by the cheesiness of my words. 

Kade doesn’t question my outlandish theory, instead he asks, “Right, let’s think about this – was there any specific moment in all of the madness you’ve been through that you thought: this is HELL?” He asks.

I don’t have to think too hard as there is one moment that slams back into my head with extreme clarity, “That day in the operating theatre, when The Surgeon and my father told me what was going to happen to Thomas. I tried to run from the nightmare of it, but there was no escape. And all the time they were smiling, rejoicing in what they were going to do. I remember feeling a burning sensation in my stomach, an actual physical pain, like I was on fire,” I say, shuddering at the recollection. 

Kade is immediately on it, “Right – The Change Range. That’s where we begin our quest to find The Sixth Zone. There must be some kind of portal into it from that operating theatre,” he says, full of a positive enthusiasm.

But I’m not convinced, “No – Kade. I don’t want to take you to Hell. What if we can’t get back? Kristene said it will test our love. What if that means me losing you? That would be my ultimate Hell!”

He gets on his knees in front of me and cups his hands around my face, “Life is full of what ifs.”

He smiles warmly, “What if we don’t go? We’ll never know!”

His face takes on the determined look that always makes me feel safe, “First thing in the morning we’ll brief mom, Troy and Kelvin. Then we’ll get fully armed and fly to The Change range. We’re gonna find out where and what’s in this Hell-Hole.”  

He draws his face closer to mine – “Tan, I promise you: I’m gonna fight real hard for our happy ever after. But to do that – we have to go through Hell…”

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