Day 7

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Ok, I'm only starting this now because I never thought of it when I first started.  My first time trying to shift, I used the Sky Method and my hands were all tingly.  When I got up, my head felt heavy and I felt super tired so...was I close? 

The other days didn't work because I kept falling asleep, I was using the non-sleep method and raven method.  I'm going to switch back to the Sky method because I think that one worked best for me.  Last night I felt sort of tingly, but fell asleep as I was describing my DR.

(Btw if you don't know what the Sky method is here:  Basically you visualize yourself driving up a hill.  You see someone from your DR and you get out of he car to meet them.  Together, you stare at the stars as you describe what your DR will be like.  Once you are finished or feel stronger signs of shifting, you get up with the person from your DR and they lead you through a door.  In the door, is your DR bedroom (for me it was a Hufflepuff dorm room).  You lay down in the bed and when you wake up, you should be in your DR!)

I'm going to try the Sky Method tonight, I'll try to update tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll shift!

My Shifting ExperienceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang