We've Changed

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A month has past and I never thought I'd miss my boobs so much. The doctors did such a good job keeping them similar to my natural breast. I feel a little more myself. Hopefully I can finally get back to my life. Go do things, not drive Michael crazy anymore, finally have sex again. I want to do something big for him. He's been my rock through everything.

I was making sure the house was clean before Michael got home. I can't do anything too big for him right now but I can try to make his life a little easier. "Mom!" Demi whined, "what?" I asked. "I want to help cook! You won't let me help!" She whined. I forget how big she's getting. She wants to help with every thing. I love it. "Come here, stir this." I said putting her on this stool. "Yay!" She cheered. I heard the front door open and close. "Daddy's home!" She said dropping the spoon and running to Michael. "Daddddyyyy!" She squealed running to him. "Come here!" He said catching her. He walked into the kitchen. "Hmm it smells delicious," he smiled then greeting me with a kiss. "Ew!" Demi hollered covering her eyes. "How was your day?" He asked. "Good. How does the house look?" I asked excited for his approval. "It looks amazing." He smiled. "You feeling okay?" He asked. "I over did it, but I feel fine." I admitted. "I know. Go sit. I'll finish dinner." He said setting Demi down. "No I got it. You go shower and get relaxed. Demi and I will finish this. Now." I said sternly. He gave me a smile then a quick kiss and went upstairs. Something is off with him. It's probably just how crazy our lives are.

I stood at the sink doing dishes and I could barely keep my eyes open. I over did it. My body is telling me to quit but I'm so close to being done. Finishing this day out strong, is what I kept telling myself. "Baby," Michael said holding my shoulders as I was struggling to stay awake. "Huh?" I asked tiredly. "Go to bed. I got this. You've pushed your self to your limits. Bed, Now." He said sternly. I nodded. He kissed my cheek then I went upstairs.

I laid in bed, trying so hard to stay awake till Michael came to bed. "Babe, seriously?" He asked coming in our room. I nodded. "Go to sleep. You're exhausted. You're pushing yourself too hard!" He said frustrated. He got into his PJs and got in bed. "Why are you pushing yourself so hard?" He asked as I laid my head on his chest. "I just want to be a good wife again." I said softly. "You're the best wife. Ever. Period." He said kissing my head. "I've been the wife from hell during this." I stated. "It's just been rough, but it isn't your fault. We're getting back to normal." He said rubbing my arm. "I just want to be able to go through a day without feeling drained and I want to be able to have sex again. My mind is ready but my body isn't quite up to speed yet." I sighed. "Be patient. We will get there." He said.

Michaels pov

I held her as she finally drifted off to sleep. I always felt better when she was asleep because she's finally at peace. No pain, no vomiting, no emotional break downs, no crying, no talking down on herself, and it gives me time to think. To look at her and think. There was a point where I questioned if she was going to make it through this.


"You had such a good day today." I smiled as Dre helped me fix the bed. She nodded tiredly. "It felt good." She replied. "It was nice to see everyone. I just hate the way people look at me. I hate being the sick person." She expressed. "I know. But we can't control that." I replied. She nodded. We got into bed and held her close, keeping her warm. She put a beanie on her head, her head get cold at night. "I absolutely hate being bald. I just keep obsessing over it." She said. "It's the easiest thing to focus on, that's why. I like it." I smiled. She rolled eyes. She sat up and coughed a little bit. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah just had something in my throat." She said coughing again. "I don't like the sound of that cough." I said worried. "It's fine. Promise." She said laying back down with me. I kissed her goodnight and she was out. Her body is so tired. She did so well keeping up with the kids today but I know they do their best to take it easy on her, even Demi. She more understanding what's going on, that mommy is really sick and needs extra help.

The Surprise जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें