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"No." I said simply. "Michael what do you mean no? You can't just say no to this." Camille said. "You're lying. You're mad at me." I stated. Tears filled her eyes. "Michael I'm Pregnant! This isn't a joke!" She cried. "And you think it's mine?" I asked not giving into her situation. "You're the only guy I've been with for the past 6 months!" She hollered. "You better quiet down before someone hears you!" I hissed. "I have a doctors appt today at 3pm. You need to be there." She said upset. "I don't want to have a baby Michael." She said. "What are you saying?" I asked. "I do not want to be a mother to this thing! So either you go with me to this damn appointment and we can do a DNA test or I'm scheduling an abortion!" She hollered.

We sat in the doctors office. "You're going to have to tell her." Camille said. "No." I replied shortly. "So you're just going to come home with a baby and no one will question it?" She asked like I was stupid which I am obviously. "Let's get through this then I'll cross that bridge later." I said. "I don't want to be a mother. I don't want kids." Shes said to herself freaking out. I didn't know what to say to make her feel better. I don't anymore kids so I can't be mad at her. "Camille," the nurse said.

"Alright, you guys ready to see the baby?" The nurse asked smiling. I nodded as there was an awkward silence. "I called the doctor this morning and he said he could fit us in for a DNA test." Camille told the nurse. "Okay, he noted that for us." She smiled politely. "How long does it usually take to get the test back?" I asked. "About a week." She replied as she started to do the ultrasound. "So that mean you only have like a week left of your marriage." Camille said with a smart ass smirk. Panic set in. The nurse looked so uncomfortable. "Great now you made her uncomfortable." I said irritated. "It's the truth." She shrugged. "Um okay, so here's the baby." She said. I looked at the screen to see a little tiny fetus. "Is it healthy." I asked. "The doctor will go over the ultrasound with you." She replied.

The nurse left the room and we waited for the doctor. "You're enjoying this, watching my marriage fall apart." I said pissed. "You're a cheater, I don't feel bad for your Situation." She shrugged. "Just remember Dre thought of you as a friend. If you think you aren't getting an aftermath of when I tell her, you're wrong. This is not funny." I said sternly. She got quiet. "She's going to divorce you." She said softly. "I know." I replied.

We did the DNA test and then went home. "Hey baby," Dre smiled as I walked in the door. "Hey," I smiled taking my shoes off. " pew daddy, stinky feet!" Demi laughed waving her hand infront of her face. "Oh really?" I asked grabbing her, acting like I was going to make her smell my feet. "No daddy!" She giggled. "Dad, don't forget my baseball game tomorrow!" Jayden hollered from up stairs. "Wouldn't miss it!" I hollered back. Then I heard chattering upstairs, sounds like a girl? "Um who's up there with him?" I asked Dre as she typed on her laptop. "His girl that's is a friend." She said shutting her laptop. "So his girlfriend?" I asked. "Oh no, it's a girl that's a friend. I said that earlier and he bit my head off about it." She said. I narrowed my eyes then went upstairs.

I made it to his door way hearing this girl giggled and his door was barely cracked open. I knocked on the door frame. "Hey dad," Jayden said. "Who's this?" I asked with my arms crossed. "This is my friend Nyla." He said, "Nyla this is my dad," he said. She quickly got up and shook my hand nervously. "Door stays open." I said then leaving. "Really Michael." Dre said as I came down stairs. "What?" I said. "You scaring her." She said as I sat by her. "Somethings really off with you. I can feel it." She said. "It was just a long day at work." I sighed pulling her close to me. "Well you have tomorrow off so we can relax." She smiled. I nodded laying my head back closing my eyes.

"He's snoring." Demi giggled as she climbed into my lap as I was waking up. "Daddy, mama made dinner. Time to eat." She said using her fingers to open my eyes. I could hear Dre laughing. I jumped up making her scream. "Awh daddy! Not funny!" She pouted. I picked her up, "I'm sorry," I giggled kissing her cheek. I walked us to the kitchen as Dre was setting the table. "I did not mean to sleep that long," I yawned. "I knew you were tired," she said. I leaned down kissing her, savoring it. "Mmm," I smiled against her lips. "Stop!" She laughed. "Ew daddy!" Demi giggled covering her eyes. "Stop kissing mommy!" She laughed pushing my face away from Dres. "But I love kissing mommy." I said. "No daddy." She smiled. I put her down and helped Dre finish dinner. "Jayden, Nyla!" Dre hollered. "I don't like him having a girl in his room." I told her. "They're fine Michael, he's 12. I don't think we have to worry about that yet." Dre said. "I was thinking about it when I was his age." I stated. "Then sit down and have a talk with him." She replied. "I think I will." I said. "Hmmm it smells good mom!" Jayden smiled. "Thank you, Nyla Demi has requested you sit next to her." Dre giggled. "She's so annoying." Jayden mumbled. "Aria use to say the same thing about you." I told him. "No she didn't ." He replied trying to act cool. "Oh yeah, when Terrence was over, you were always in her room." Dre replied. "And calling your sister annoying isn't nice." I added. "Yeah your mean and if you call me annoying again daddy's gonna whoop your butt!" Demi told Jayden making Dre and I laugh. "But that's okay?" Jayden laughed. "No, Demi don't yell at bubba. Now you're being mean." Dre told her trying to be serious.

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