All The Bad

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Warm summer air brushed through us as we sat outside eating breakfast. "Tea for you mommy," Demi smiled pouring me imaginary tea. "Make sure you eat babygirl." I said. She nodded hopping into her chair. "Blueberry pancakes?" She asked confused. "Try them at least." I asked. She sighed debating on taking a bite. "They're really good," Aria told her. "Sissy made them." I added. "I'm definitely not eating them now!" Demi laughed. Arias jaw dropped, "that's mean!" Aria laughed. "They're good, I promise." I said cutting up her pancakes and made her try a bite. "Hmmm they're okay." She giggled. "Look who's awake." Aria laughed.  Michael walked out to the back patio scratching his bed head. "You look like you slept good," I commented. "I did, I needed that." He yawned. He came up behind me and leaned down kissing my cheek. "Wheres JJ?" He asked. "He didn't sleep well last night. I'm letting him sleep a little." I said. "Did you sleep?" He asked concerned. "Enough." I answered. "But we woke up this morning and Demi requested a breakfast tea party so that's what we're doing," I smiled. "Oh daddy needs tea!" Demi gasped grabbing her plastic teapot.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked Michael. He shook his head. "I'm cutting back on caffeine. I need to start eating better too." He sighed. "I agree. I purged the cabinets of all your junk food you bought while I was gone last night." I told him. "Ugh. I know it's for the best." He groaned. "Mama?" Jayden called out. "Outside." I hollered back. He came outside and did the same as Michael, scratching his bed head and yawning but I could tell he was still struggling. "Come here." I said. "I want dad," he cried softly. "That's okay," I smiled softly. JJ went over and Michael embraced him. "It's okay, let's get some breakfast." He said hugging Jayden. "I'll make you a plate." I said getting up. "Jayden you know we'd never let her hurt you again right?" Aria asked. "I know," he cried holding onto Michael. "I just hate her so much. I wish I didn't remember her." He cried into Michael shirt. "What happen to bubba?" Demi asked confused. "We'll talk about it when you get older babygirl, not right now."  Michael told her. Demi got out of her chair and went over to Jayden, "it's okay bubba, I beat them up for you. Don't cry." She said hugging him, making him laugh. "Will I ever get better?" Jayden asked in a shaky voice. My heart broke, "of course. We are working through this. We got you buddy." Michael said. "I know mom and I being separated added on stress so hopefully things will start to feel normal for you guys again and things will be better." He told him. "I like us all being home." Jayden said softly. "We all do. Mom and I just needed time." He replied. "I know." He said finally sitting down.

"Mommy we should eat breakfast out here more." Demi smiled putting her little sunglasses on. "I agree." "Maybe you won't be crabby today then!" She giggled. "I was very cranky yesterday," I groaned. "Yeah I know." Michael said rolling his eyes. "Mommy you apologize to daddy." Demi suggested. I got up and went behind Michael. "I am sorry," I told him kissing his cheek. I draped my arms across his chest as i leaned down. "Hmm." He responded. I gently grabbed his face turning it towards me, I kissed him softly. "I am sorry, you didn't deserve how mean I was." I said. "I forgive you." He replied kissing me back. I kissed his cheek again then whispered in his ear, "I'll make it up to you tonight." He smirked.

I settled myself on to Michaels lap. We had soft music playing as we all enjoyed breakfast and the warm weather. "Have you talked to Terrence at all?" Michael asked Aria. She sighed. "Nope. It's like I never existed to him." "We miss him too." I told her. "I don't miss him. He can stay gone." She said with her nose in her phone, I could tell she didn't like the conversation. "What are you doing this weekend?" I asked her. "Uh I think me and my friend Avery are going out to celebrate her promotion." She said. "That'll be fun. If you drink too much, call us." I told her. "Don't encourage her to get drunk." Michael said. "Oh please, she is nearly 20 years old. She's going to drink Michael. The least we could do I make sure she is safe." I argued. "Yeah dad!" Aria laughed. "I can't believe we have a 20 year old. And we're about to have a newborn."  He groaned rubbing his face. "You're getting old," I smirked.

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