Passing By

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2 months.....2 long months.

"Demi do you have your bag?" I asked her. "No cause I'm not going!" She hollered. "Demi your going to mommy's tonight." I groaned. "No!" She cried. "I can't wait to go." Jayden grumbled. "I want mom to come to my game tomorrow so you can't go." Jayden said. I sighed, "o-okay."

"Dad I'm here," Ari said coming in the door. "I'm not going daddy!" Demi screamed. "Here we go again." Air sighed. "I tried doing everything you guys told me to, I've been telling her all last night and today she's going to mommy's. She doesn't want to go." I said stressed. "Then there Jayden who can't wait to leave!" I said. "Daddy this is hard on them. Just try to be patient." She said softly. "Demi's birthday is coming up. What are you guys going to do?" She asked. "I am not doing separate birthday parties if that's what you're asking." I said sternly. "She's going to have to see me sooner or later." I sighed. "I know, doing separate birthday parties for Demi is going to be too hard for her. You guys can't do that to her." Aria said. "I'll go grab her." I said going up stairs.

She screamed and cried the entire time I carried her down stairs, she unpacked her entire bag too... "my poor girl." I said buckling her in. "Well this is your fault." Jayden said looking out the window. "I know." I replied. "This other baby is not my sibling either I hope you know that." Jayden added. "Jayden! Enough!" Aria yelled. "It's fine Aria. Let him get it out." I said. I kissed Demi's head. "DADDY! I STAY HERE! I NOT GO TO MOMMYS!" She cried.

I watched her drive away, my heart breaks every time they leave. I shook my head and went back inside. I grabbed my brief case and head to work to deal with that mess now.

"Good Morning." I said to Linda. "Good Morning, how were the kids this morning?" She asked. "Linda I did everything you guys said to do to prepare her to go to Dre's and she still screamed and cried. She unpacked her entire bag too." I said exhausted. "Poor thing." She sighed. "I know. I wish I could-" "hey, we can't change the past." Linda said. "I know. Is she in My office already." I groaned. "Yep. Probably demanding more money for the damage Dre did to her ugly Jeep." Linda giggled. "Okay I'm done with this. Call Tom for me." I said mad already. "Yes sir." Linda knew exactly what this meant.

I stormed into my office, " what?! What could you possibly want now?!" I hollered. "Money! You ass! Your crazy wife fucked up my car so I couldn't work!" She hollered. "Sit your ass down. I'm fucking done with these games. Tom is coming down here now and we are writing up a contract. Once this baby gets here I want you gone!" I hollered. "Oh you want to play this game? You know what I think I'll lawyer up too and maybe I'll just keep this baby and torture you longer!" She yelled leaving.

Dre's pov

"Demi you have to stop crying," I groaned. "NO I WANT MY DADDY!" Demi cried. She does this every time she gets here. "I bet he didn't even try to prepare her." I scoffed. "He actually did." Jayden said surprised. "That's surprising, he probably enjoys her throwing these fits." I said. "Are you serious mom?!" Aria snapped. "This has got to stop, he is still a good dad! Dad never talks about you like this in front of us!" She said upset. She's right. "You're right. I'm sorry." I sighed. "Everyone is treating him like shit still and I've had enough. He's suffered! He's still suffering!" She cried. "Jayden was saying stuff again wasn't he?" I asked. She nodded. "That baby is not going to be my sibling!" Jayden hollered. "Oh so punish the baby because of dad, that makes sense! You out of all of us should relate to this baby more than anyone! This baby isn't going to have a mom!" She yelled. "What does that have to do with me? I have a mom." He stated. "She's not your real mom Jayden! She adopted you! You got lucky!" She said mad as hell. "Aria Katherine!" I yelled. "What it's the truth, you know maybe Demi and I should treat you as the outcast then too since we biological don't have the same mom! Huh how would that feel?!" She yelled at him. He bursted into tears. "Really Aria?!" Josh said mad. "What? Dad cheated on my mom with his biological mom. Should I treat him the way he's going to treat this baby?" She asked. "You made your point, okay! Just stop." I said going after Jayden.

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