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During English class, Professor Bitch seriously told you guys some pretty inappropriate words, and she even threatened the class to french kiss you if you guys couldn't differ the pronunciation of "L" and "R." But after school was over, you just couldn't wait to get home.

"Hey, (Y/N).Carry my bag, please?" Karma said to you and you did as he asked. 

You carried his bag to the train station for him. When you got to the station, you guys had to take your own routs, so you guys had to split up. But as soon as you guys did, you ran into those high school guys from the school trip.

"We meet again... Since you're not on a school trip, your damn teacher isn't here, is he?" 

You froze and your heart started to race. That traumatic event left a mental scar and you were having a panic attack. You didn't know what to do. Even though you pretended like you weren't scared, getting kidnapped and being threatened to be harassed sexually is something that could leave a big scar.

"Now, since we're back in Tokyo, how about we go back to my place?" He grabbed your wrist and didn't let go.

He brought his face close to yours, and you were absolutely disgusted.

"Let me go, you fucking freaks! Go back home to your mamma!" You tried to break free, but you couldn't.

"Oh? It's these guys again?" You turned around and you saw Karma.

"Karma!" You were relieved to see him. "How'd you know I was here?"

"I didn't see you get on the train that was on the other side, so I came here to check." He said. "Now, now, I don't wanna start a fight here, since this is a public place... So how about we solve this somewhere else, shall we?"

"What?! Karma, are you crazy?!" You freaked out.

"Hm, maybe?"

"Alright then..." The gang agreed. 

You guys were led to a small alley like the last time they fought. Being in a small alley way made you anxious as well now. You and Karma were up against the wall, and you didn't know what you just got yourself into.

"Now, shall we begin?" Said one of the gang members. 

Karma stood in front of you, while you looked away. You just couldn't look.

"You sure about this, kid?"

"Last time, I got distracted. I won't let myself this time." He said confidently.

As soon as he said that, you heard punching, kicking, and just a lot of violent stuff going on. Each second felt like hours. You just wanted this to be over.

After what felt like forever, the sounds stopped.

"You can look up now." You heard Karma say.

You looked up to find him a little injured, but what you saw on the ground was nothing compared to him. The high school dudes were all beaten up really badly, and for some reason, some had wasabi and mustard going up their nose.

"Wh-Why do they have wasabi and mustard going up their nose..?" You asked Karma.

"Oh, not that many people know about this, but I carry wasabi and mustard around to squeeze tubes of them into my victim's nose. So as long as you're on my good side, you won't end up like that." He lend you a hand for you to grab onto, and you guys made your way our of that alley.

You were just glad that it didn't go wrong and no one caught you guys.

When you guys got back to the train station, you tried to hand Karma his bag, but he shook his head.

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