Goodbye, Professor Koro

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(A/N): Before we start, take a look at the song I linked above if you haven't listened to it before. I think it suits this chapter very much. If you don't want to check it out... Oh well, enjoy!

It was the next day and you were reading the text message your friends were sending in the group chat. They were all grieving but were coming up with a plan. The laser wasn't going to blast until March 13, which was just a the next day. The boys decided to look out and report back in the mountains near the campus, and the girls decided to keep in check with the town.

Hours passed and you haven't made up your mind if you wanted to show up or not. You knew their plan and everything but no one tried to force you to work with them. The more you thought about it, the more infuriating it was. It was already nighttime, and everyone in the group chat stopped talking, probably a sign that their plan officially began.

You argued with yourself for a minute before getting dressed and running outside. You were not headed to where your friends were, but to where your uncle was. You were able to sneak past the first set of security guards, but were caught at the second one. You could hear loud noises coming all the way from the Class E campus. You feared the worst, and it was that someone got hurt. You didn't want anyone to die, including your teacher.

"Hey kid, you can't be here. Go home or we'll have to call your parents." One of them said.

"I don't have parents for God's sake! My guardian is Tadaomi Karasuma, the man who is in charge of you! So let me in!" You were yelling and screaming and arguing with the security guards loud enough that your uncle could hear you from the tents and rushed out to see what was going on.

"Let her go" He said, and the guards immediately took their hands off you. "Why are you here?"

"You know exactly why I'm here." You answered.

"You can't be here. Go back home."

"Then how come the others are here?"

"They aren't allowed in here either. They are just finding their ways around it."

"So are you gonna go talk to them or what?"

"I was going to, but you showed up."

"Shall we go together then?"

"No, I'm telling you to go home."


"Go home. I'm not saying it again." He started walking away and the guards guided you out.

You didn't understand why he was being so strict and wasn't even willing to hear you out. But he was doing it in fear that he'd lose the last remaining blood related family he has. He didn't know what he was thinking, getting you involved in the first place. But of course, you weren't gonna listen to him.

Once you were lead to a safe area, you immediately attempted to sneak back in through a different end. If your classmates could do it, so could you.

When you got there, the place was an absolute battlefield. The ground was all messed up, your classmates stood looking exhausted on the other side of the field, and behind them were your uncle and Irina.

Your teacher was getting attacked and almost obliterated by some identity that wasn't human. You looked over at your classmates, and some looked in your direction as well. Even your own uncle noticed you, and he didn't look too happy. You ran to your classmates' side, and asked what was going on.

"We're not sure! We came here to rescue him and give him some cake when all of the sudden that guy appeared!" Nagisa told you.

"Put the target with his students and this was bound to happen." An evil looking man wearing a white tank top spoke. "Wrong answer, kids. Deciding to show up here tonight was a bad move."

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