Congratulations (Fin)

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The next day you woke up on your school desk. The night before after the loss of your teacher, you guys headed into your classroom and saw a diploma, a yearbook, and "Professor Koro's Rules to Live By" handbook each for everyone. The books were extremely big, and the handbook was in a manga format that features everyone in Class E, including Professor Koro, and you guys ended up reading all of it late into the night and doze off in the classroom.

You eventually woke up from the sunlight beaming into the classroom, and one by one everyone was up and tired. For a moment, everyone had forgotten about everything but that was quickly over once they stretched their arms out and recalled their memory. Your uncle walked in for a quick speech for your class, and you could tell he didn't get a blink of sleep, even though he didn't really look tired at all.

"The target is gone and the earth is saved. Thanks for all your had work this past year. I imagine there are some things you'll find hard to swallow. You'll have all eyes on you for a while, I'm afraid, and I'm sure they'll be asking to keep mum on confidential matters. I'll do my utmost to protect you, of course, but allow me to apologize in advance." He bowed down, asking for forgiveness.

"Mr. Karasuma, it's fine." Maehara said. "We'll do our best to get this settled peacefully, too."

"We don't want to complicate things for you." Okano agreed.

"In return, we do have one request." Kataoka spoke up. "Please let us attend Kunugigaoka's graduation ceremony today. Our days spent battling with the main campus are yet another precious memory we made with Professor Koro."

"Sure, I'll arrange it. After all, that's why I'm here." Your uncle was more than happy to.

"All students: stand up!" Your class president said. "Mr. Karasuma, Professor Bitch-- you taught us so much. Thank you!" The entire class got up and bowed to your two mentors.

"Thank you!"

The ceremony starts, and your uncle gave you the option of graduating with Class A or with Class E, after all, you were supposed to go back to Class A once Professor Koro was killed. You decided to end the school year with Class E, as for one, you spent most of your time in that classroom, two, you have more friends there, and three, pretty much no one in Class A will be welcoming you back anyway.

Your name was eventually, and you were handed your diploma by your board chairman, Mr. Asano.

"Thank you..." You quietly said.

"I hope you become a bigger person than you are today." He said.

"Take care, Mr. Asano."

"You too, (Y/N)."

You expected him to say more, especially about you moving to the E Class, but he just gave you a faint smile and you walked off the stage.

Once the ceremony was over, You walked out the stadium and saw everyone get together with their friends. You wondered where your classmates went, when you were jumped from behind by Nakamura and Karma.

"Congratulations on graduating, (Y/N)! You really graduated with us instead of Class A, I'm in for a little shock!" Nakamura laughed and ruffled your hair.

"It's not like those assholes would like me rejoining their class anyway!" You chuckled.

"Man, how'd you even graduate anyway? Because I think you're pretty stupid." Karma teased.

"That's what I'm saying!" You played along.

"(Y/N)." You heard a deep voice call your name. It was your uncle, and he approached you to congratulate you. "Congratulations on graduating. I'm very proud of you." He gave you a pat on the head.

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