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"Class, we have a new student today~ "The class looked up and they looked excited. "Please, come in!" You walked into the classroom, and everyone's eyes were locked onto you.

"Woah, she's kinda cute!" Went a comment.

"I think I've seen her around, but I can't quite put my finger on it..." Said another.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you." You said with a monotone voice.

"Would you like to tell us how you transferred here?" 

"I was in Class A, but I'm here to kill you, Professor Koro. I won't be here long, though. I'm going back to Class A once I kill you. So, I'm not here to make friends. I just need to get this over with."

The class was silent from your somewhat rude introduction. 

"I see... Well, I wish the best of luck to you~ You may go ahead and sit down on the empty desk on the right, over there." You nodded and went to sit down.

There was another empty desk next to yours, but you were just ready to get this over with.

Back in Class A, you were always second place, behind Asano. You were somewhat rivals, but you were both adored in class. But after they heard that you were moving the Class E, they all started calling you a traitor, and they knew you were coming back, but they said they won't accept you anyways. But that wasn't something for them to decide.

You were in P.E. class, and you guys were learning how to use your knife and learn some skills on it. 

"One... Two... Three... Four..."

You guys were counting up as you wielded your knives. Those knives were a special type of knife, that would melt down Professor Koro when he touches it. 

When you guys were done, your uncle was talking to your class, but you didn't want to hear it, so you stood in the back, not paying attention. 

Some of the guys were running towards him with their knives as part of training, but they stood no chance against your uncle, and he slammed the students to the ground. 

"That's all for today." He said and helped them up.

"Thank you." Your class bowed, but you just clicked your tongue.

Why do I have to be here with these kids...

You turned around and was gonna walk away, when you saw a red haired boy standing on top of the small hill, looking at you guys. You two made eye contact, which you immediately broke off, and walked away.

A few seconds later, you heard him say something.

"Yo, Nagisa. It's been a while." He said to a blue haired boy.

"Karma... You're back?" He replied.

"Woah, is that the infamous Professor Koro? He really does look like an octopus..." He approached Professor Koro.

"Akabane Karma... Is it? I heard your suspension was up today. But you shouldn't be tardy on your first day back." Professor Koro said, and he turned purple, and had an "X" written in a slightly darker tone of purple on his face. 

Karma chuckled.

"It's hard to get back into the swing of things. Feel free to call me by my first name. Nice to meet you, Teach!" He reached his hand out to shake one of his tentacles.

"Likewise, let's make this a fun year." Professor Koro reached his tentacle out, when suddenly, his tentacle burst and melted.

Karma then smirked and slipped one of those knives out of his sleeve and tried to stab him, but Professor Koro dodged it. No surprise there.

Secret - Karma Akabane x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora