Lets Skip!

640 18 14

9:00, september 17th

I woke up cuddled halfway under a sleeping shuichi, it was warm.. very warm and I enjoyed it. I yawned, looking over at the alarm clock he had on his nightstand.

It was 9:03, useless to go to school since we were a good hour late with no excuse.

I let out a small, happy sigh as I snuggled back into the cuddle shuichi trapped me in. He looked so cute when he was sleeping... Is that creepy? I'm not sure.. Oh well.

I had been discovering all the rumours about shuichi lately.. And their all pathetic. Even if they were true... He's a good person.

..Or I'm just in love..

My thoughts were interrupted by shuichi moving a bit. He was still asleep but I guess he wasn't comfortable. Shuichis blank face turned into a small smile as he moved his arms around me. I smiled with him, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him too.

We stayed like that for a bit, the both of us comfortable. Shuichi then slowly moved his leg up, which brought his knee to my precious parts. When his leg made contact I took a sharp, short breath. I was shocked.

I didn't know if he was doing that on purpose, but I could feel him holding in a laugh. My face was a bright red, I was still processing what he had just done.

Shuichi turned his head and whispered in my ear.

"Your so cute~"

I quickly grew flustered, my face a bright red. I struggled to speak, while shuichi was practically dying of laughter. I eventually just gave up, sighing and burying my face into shuichi's shirt.

After a few more minutes shuichi slowly got up.

"Are you hungry?. " He sheepishly asked.

"Now that I think about it, I am " I responded, a bit shocked.

"Okay, I'll go make something.. Y-you can borrow one of my shirts i-if you want.. " He stuttered, standing up and making his way to the kitchen.

I smiled, grabbing one of his white shirts and slipping it on, taking off the shirt I had on originally underneath his.

I walked into the kitchen, smelling the air. It smelled really good, I had no idea shuichi could cook this good.

Time skip~ 11:00

Me and shuichi were watching another horror movie, this one was actually kind of scary.

It had spiders in it, and no matter how much I tried I couldn't pull off not being scared of them. My fear of spiders (or other bug) was really bad, I would sometimes even ask others to help me kill a small spider.

A small jump scare popped up and the spider jumped at the screen, making me jump and scream.

Shuichi giggled a bit, but then gave me a worried look. I was sitting there shaking, I felt the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.

"Are you okay?.." He asked, obviously worried.

I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath and leaning into him for a hug. To my luck he did hug me back, matter of fact he pulled me closer to him and practically cradled me in his arms.

(Not like a baby but like- ya know-)

I turned my head to look at the movie again, a bit nervous about it. Shuichi noticed, so he grew a little confidence and gently pulled my chin towards him.

I froze when he did that, thinking we was going to kiss me. Unfortunately he didn't, instead he planted a kiss on my forehead.

I sat there silently, my face heating up. I wanted him to kiss me..


I snuggled my face into shuichi's chest as I drowned in my own thoughts. I let out a deep sigh, forgetting I was snuggled up in shuichi chest instead of a pillow.

"Are you sure your okay? " He stammered , sounding worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking. " I responded, my words a bit muffled.

I felt shuichi relax a bit, which made me smile. I enjoyed time with him, it was like being with your best friend but we're lovers too.

I pondered to myself, I didn't even realize that shuichi was gently rubbing my back. I giggled a bit when he got to one spot, it kinda tickled.

I looked up at shuichi who was now smiling. I had a confused look on my face until he moved his hands up to my sides and started tickling me.

I tried to hold it in at first but eventually I bursted out laughing.

" S-shui- hahhahaha! Shuichi-i! S-st- hahahaha -s-stop! BahahHaaha! "

Shuichi finally stopped, a big smile on his face.

I was still laughed, my face a faint red from embarrassment. I sat up and smiled a shuichi, and poked his nose.

Shuichi looked confused, but still turned a faint red. I giggled, he was always easy to make blush.


Me and shuichi played video games for a few hours before I went home. I really had fun at shuichi's place, and I'm excited for this weekend.

I sat down on the couch, pulling out my phone and ordering some (favorite type) sushi.

After ordering some sushi, I walked up to my room and changed to something comfy.

I answered the door when the delivery person rung the door bell.

After I said my thank yous I sat on the couch and ate my sushi while I looked at some stuff on Instagram.

I then snapped a quick, cute picture and posted it on Instagram. I then cleaned up my area and house a bit and headed to bed.

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