Hang-out kiss

499 14 1

October 5th 1:04 A.M

You were both sitting on your bed, reading a cringy story you had found online.

It was pretty late, but you were both having fun so it didn't bother you much.

School was also called off, (for the authors sake) so you had the freedom to not even sleep if you wanted to.

School was being called off a lot, and it made you curious at times.

(Ty Junko)

You looked over at shuichi and got a playful idea. You were sitting on the edge of your bed, so you crawled closer to shuichi and planned some ways to tease him.

After a moment of you blankly staring at him he gave you a confused smile.

"Can't look away?" He nervously joked.

"I can, maybe don't want to," You slyly replied.

He smiled, and you returned it.

"Hey what ever happened to that show you really like? D.. Danganronpa?" You questioned.

"What do you think I do in my spare time dork," He laughed.

"That makes sense," You laughed too.

After a moment of silence you brought up another question.

"Who was your first kiss?"...

"I-i think it was you... If not t-then it wasn't a memorable one..." He stammered, a bit red.

You smiled, and pulled yourself up and very close to his face. You cupped his face and closed your eyes, and of course kissed him.

It was a quick one, and when you pulled away you smiled at him before speaking.

"We'll just say I was then,"

"That sounds like a good idea,,, but I want a longer kiss,"

Shuichi gently pulled you into a more passionate kiss, placing his hand behind your head to partly deepen it and make it last.

After a brief moment you both pulled away, panting(?) for air.

"W-well.. You didn't fail to disappoint with that kiss...," you responded, out of breath.

Shuichi was a deeper shade of red, which was somehow common for him.

You looked at the time, and realized it was now 2:10 A.M.

You were a bit confused at the time jump, but went with it and decided to find something new to do.

That ended up being annoying shuichi some more.

You positioned yourself on his lap, facing him, and began playing with his hair.

You began trying a new braid on his hair, that you had learned only a couple hours ago, and had to lift yourself up a bit to actually braid it.

"Hey shu, can u lean your head down a bit?" You asked.

"I-i can't...," He stuttered.

"Hm? Why not?" You asked again, and looked down.

He then pointed out that if he put his face any lower it would practically be in your breasts.

You smiled, and pushed his face into them with a small giggle.

"You do realize we're dating right? I don't mind hat boy," you laughed, and continued the braid while shuichi laid there brain dead.

After a moment or two, you finished successfully, and began jumping up and down out of excitement.

"YESSSSS, I'm a pro," You sarcastically quoted.

You were still bobbing up and down on shuichi, not even noticing how flustered he was getting each time.

"You can't see it, but it's amazing. I'm gonna braid your hair more often!" You smiled, finally sitting down all the way and leaning towards him.

Then you realized what you just did.

"I-im sorry shu, I totally got lost in my actions and started acting childish!"

Shuichi immediately sat himself up a little more and shook his hands along with his head.

"N-no no! You didn't do anything! It was just me! You were just braiding my hair is all..,"

After a moment of you both apologizing, you both decided to calm down for the night and go to bed.

Which resulted in you just falling asleep on him, he was okay with it thankfully.


Lol hey sorry for like for getting about this *insert lip bite*

671 words WITH a bonus so go check it out

Detective hm? (ShuichixReader!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora