
491 12 14

October 4th 9;00

I was doodling away on my school papers, thinking about the game that was going to be held after Halloween.

Its a big deal, and I've been pulling multiple all nighters just to practice. If the team I get arranged with doesn't win I'll be crushed, and my ultimate will have dirt on it unless there's proof it wasn't my fault.

Without noticing my doodling had turned into stressed scribbling. I wasn't even paying attention to what the teacher was talking about. I was worrying about 5 things at once.

Shuichi who was sat next to me noticed this, and brought It to himself to question it.

He slid his leg over and tapped my foot, which made me look over at him a bit shocked. Since there were multiple people talking he decided to whisper to you instead of passing notes.

"Are you okay?... You look stressed and all.."

"Yeah I'm good, just a lot of thinking, I can explain more later,"

I turned back to my paper and hurried along it, which the teacher may not have liked me working ahead but It kept me from having late assignments.

Time skip, 3:02 after school

You and shuichi were walking down the hall, out of the crowd of students that were in a rush to get home.

You were explaining the huge event coming up, and how important to you it was. You wanted to ask him if he'd be there, but you didn't know if he'd be up for that.

So you kept quiet.

"So this huge game, what's it called? And.. Does it allow observers?.."

You smiled, and gladly went on to tell him more information.

"Its called the big hall soccer join! Students from Hope's Peak get free front row seats but have to wear a shirt or jacket to indicate their from Hope's Peak,"

"Ah, alright then, I'll make sure to go watch,"

You smiled, and told him a bit more.

"I'll be wearing (favorite number) jersey, our team will have Hope's Peak's logo on it,"

Shuichi nodded, with a shy smile, and made sure to put in a reminder on his phone. He had tendencies to forget like you did.

Before you two made it completely off the campus, and just finished plans to go to a cafe, the fan you made good friends with came running up to you.

"Hey y


You smiled and waved.

(I know I said choose a name but I'm gonna have to insert a name to make this easier)

"Hey keija!"

Keija ran up to us in a hurry, she was rather fast, but definitely was out of breath.

"I heard about the game... I'm going to be there to support you! Also..."

She squealed before finally yelling out her sentence.


After I calmed her down and calmly replied yes, she began aweing over how cute we look together.

"How long have you been together?"

Shuichi shyly looked at you, he was too nervous to answer her energetic questions. So he stepped back a bit and intertwined his pinky with yours.

"We haven't been together for too long.. About almost a month so far, but I hope it goes longer,"

You gave her a genuine smile, and she gave you one back.

"I hope you do too! I don't wanna have to nag at a shy kid for dumping you after all,"

Shuichi's face grew a bit red from embarrassment, before he stammered out a response before me.

"I... Don't plan on leaving her.."

I looked at him, with a bit of shock marked on my face. While keija squealed again.

"Your SUCH a great couple!!!!"

She suddenly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me pretty close to her face.

"Never break up! Oh it's time for me to go, cya tomorrow!"

She let go abruptly and ran off past the gates to I assume her home. I laughed a bit, and looked over at shuichi who seemed a bit jealous. But worried too.

"You good hat boy?"

He nervously nodded his head, and fully intertwined our fingers as we began walking to the cafe. It wasn't too far, and it was a quiet small cafe.

After a little bit of walking we showed up rather quick, which didn't surprise either of us somehow.

We both ordered some drinks and he of course insisted on him paying. I didn't want to start playfully bickering in front of the poor cashier so I simply took the defeat and let him pay.

After some small talk we both finished our drinks and began to head out. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Hey shuichi, I actually have the uniform at my place if you wanna stop by and see it!"

"I wouldn't mind that, I haven't gotten to see your place anyways.."

I smiled, and nervously laughed now realizing that he actually never did come over to my apartment.

After agreeing we both made our way to much house, which was further in a more covered area, but creeps were still common there.

Once I let him In I set my bag down and hurried to change into the uniform. It was a bit small and I needed to get a bigger size shirt since it was a little.. Too tight around my chest.

It showed off my breasts way more than I'd like, and that's something you don't want to focus on during a game.

You quickly made your way back to your living room to show shuichi, and once he looked at you his eyes stopped at a certain  spot and his face went a deep shade of red.

"Yeah I know, it shows off my chest more than I'd like, so I'm going to get a bigger shirt,"

Shuichi placed a hand over his mouth, and half of his face, and slowly nodded. I laughed a bit, and slipped my shirt off as I walked back to my room and changed into a comfy shirt.

When I walked back out I asked if shuichi wanted to hang for a bit, and he of course said yes.


I'm back guys 👹

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