Its what I do best!

865 19 32

7:00, September 8th

I was out at the soccer field, practicing my soccer tricks so that when a game popped up if be as great as I always am.

I actually had pulled an all nighter, because I'm definitely not the type of person to get up in the morning. But I really love soccer so I figured its best if I stay the super high school level soccer player.

I messed up a trick, kicking the soccer ball right into my face. I had gotten used to it so I turned my head, careful to not get a black eye. I sighed, rubbing the spot the soccer ball had hit me.

It was normal for me to be bandaged up, I was great with my feet, but that didn't make me not a klutz. I kicked my soccer ball up catching it, and taking it back to my locker. Once I put my soccer ball away I headed towards the nurse's office, hoping to get some ice.

I walked in and smiled at the nurse, it was a normal sight to see me in the nurse's office. The nurse put a small patch on my face for some reason and smiled.

"Why a patch?" I asked.

"S-sorry.. I figured it'd look cute! Especially on you. " She nervously laughed.

I smiled, the nurse was always nice and helping students. I picked up my bag and left, I wanted to see if shuichi was here as early as I was.


To my luck I did find him, he was putting some stuff in his locker. I ran up to him and hugged him, happy to see him. Shuichi jumped in shock, but I could tell he was smiling.

I let go of him and smiled too.

"Wanna go down to the soccer field shu? We still have a while until school starts " I stated bluntly, with a bright smile on my face.

"Sure.. I've always w-wanted to see your soccer tricks " He stuttered, like normal.

My eyes lit up as he said yes. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to my locker so I could get my soccer ball.
Once I had my soccer ball I hurried him over to the field, quite excited.

When we got to the field, shuichi sat down on the grass and watched me practice a few tricks. I tried the one trick that I messed up again, and kicked the ball up into my face again.

I sighed, rubbing my other cheek that the ball hit. Shuichi hurried over to me quite shocked that happened.

"Are you okay?.. " He asked, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine shu, it's already happened before haha. " I laughed it off, dropping the ball and balancing it on my foot.

Shuichi let out a small sigh before smiling at me. I felt small butterflies in my stomach, so I turned a faint red. I looked away and practiced some more tricks.

Shuichi walked back over to where he was sitting and sat down again. I finished the last trick, catching my ball mid air and walking over to shuichi. I was tired, having pulled an all nighter.

Shuichi looked at me, a bit confused why I was so quiet. I yawned, and laid down in the grass beside him, admiring the pretty sky. I closed my eyes, and tried my hardest not to fall asleep.

Detective hm? (ShuichixReader!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن