"You'll see...just follow me" he grabbed my hand intertwining it and started leading us to a part of the forest. As we got closer and closer to this unknown spot the forest got more prettier. After a few minutes we finally slowed down when I saw a man standing.

"Oh Yeonjun you finally arrived with your wife" this man spoke and my eyes widened. What the heck!!! I—I when did I become his wife?!!

"Oh no haha sir this is my best friend...y/n" Yeonjun chuckled but my face was so serious.

"Ohh my bad I saw you two holding hands and she has a ring on her finger I thought this was your wife..." he said.

"Ahh...this is what we do normally and the ring I putted on her by accident it's a long story I'll explain it to you later but it's not big deal" Yeonjun shaked his head. Why does it hurt hearing the truth coming from your mouth. You have no idea how big of a deal this is for me.

"Ohh haha okay well then let's proceed with practicing wedding ceremony since that's why you called me" he grabbed a book from his bag. Oh he is a officiant who officiates the wedding ceremony.

"Y/n since I want this to be a surprise for Areum I want you to be Areum more like pretend to be her so I can practice my speech" he held my hands and pouted.

"I— okay if you want me to" I nodded even though I hated myself for saying that. All I want is your happiness...if that means I have to do things I hate for you then I'll do it.

"See this is why I love her," he raised our intertwined hands towards the officiate and he smiled "she always thinks about my happiness" Yeonjun looked at me. We then took our positions facing eachother like we were the groom and bride.

"I forgot my paper that had a speech written on it....but I think I'll just wing it" Yeonjun chuckled and I smacked his head telling him to shut up and speak already.

"So Y/n...I mean Areum I remember the first time I saw you it felt as if an angel had fell on earth. At first I thought it was just a crush but after getting to know you I knew you were the only person for me. You know my likes, dislikes, what I love and hate... you know everything about me. I look at you, and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you...y/n—I mean Areum. And yeah that's all I got for now I'll add more to it, so how was it!?" Yeonjun pressed his lips waiting for me to respond but I couldn't.

My heart...ached, knowing the speech wasn't for me. But deep inside why did it feel like he was talking about me? I know all of his likes, dislikes, basically everything. I don't know about Areum because I've never asked her about him. Stop y/n you need to STOP. There is no more hope...

"I-It was really good..." I gazed towards the floor, because there no way in hell I would make an eye contact with him.

"Hey beautiful what happened is it that bad?..." he lifted my chin gently coming closer. Freakkk his touch makes me want to—never mind. How the heck do I dodged out of this?! What do I say!!?? I start panicking inside.

"Um...no no..it's just that there's a-a guy on my mind!" I blurted out. Ah shit out of all the things I came up
with this excuse.

"Oh my gosh y/n t-that's...what?!! Wait y/n l/n likes someone?! You've never liked any guy before. W-What's his name?" He held my shoulders shaking my body.

"Ohhh...umm...his name is...Beomgyu" Oh no why did I say his name. Freaking gosh I'm about to faint.

"Beomgyu huh...invite him to the party tomorrow I wanna meet him...I wanna see the first man to make my y/n's heart melt" he crosses his arms pushing it in his chest as I nodded awkwardly. And then he started walking away.

If only you knew, you were the first man to melt my heart.

And still are...

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

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