Part 6

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"Just shut up Areum..." I looked away from her. Know she knows my secret...what will she do?

"Y/n I'm not that stupid...anyways I have to go to MY party I'm the main person that needs to be there until then... you think to keep your mouth shut and make your decision" she tapped my shoulders before passing by my shoulders bumping and walked away.

"What do I do? Do I tell the truth to Yeonjun breaking his heart...or keep my mouth shut just like Areum said..." I spoke to myself in silence. No one around I was alone in the's so peaceful yet I'm so sad.

Inner voice: you know what's right y/n... tell him even though it will break his heart. He has to know.
Brain: will he believe me?
Inner voice: Ofcourse he will...he is your best friend.
Brain: okay! I will not let my sister ruin his life.

I came back to reality and looked around. Which way did I come from shit—oh that way. I began walking towards the party. 5 min. 15 min. 20 min. 40 min. 1 hour. I've been walking for over an hour and still haven't reached the party and that's when I knew...I'm lost.

Yeonjun POV
"I'm so lost in your eyes look spectacular today Areum" I gently kissed her palm.

"Aww baby you're so sweet I love you so much...can't believe we're getting married soon" she held my hand and squeezed it softly. So cute. Cute...where's y/n?

"By the way where's y/n? I haven't seen her for over an hour we're never apart for more than 10 minutes especially at a party she always needs me..." I started wondering.

"Oh baby she might be busy with her what's his name? Oh Beomgyu that guy. They seem very close let them be...she needs to make more friends apart from you..." she chuckled.

"Pfftt no thanks she only needs me...I'll go search for her I'll be right back" I pulled my hand out of Areum's and started to look for her.

Areum POV
Why does this jerk leave me for my f*cking sister??!!! I'm hot, sexy, everything a guy could ever want. And I'm about to be his wife yet he leaves every to go search for her.

I hope she's still in the forest stuck. That's what she deserves after everything she has done to me. Ughhh this
is so freakin frustrating!! I'll go drink some wine.

Yeonjun POV
"Hey have you seen y/n?" "Bruh have you seen y/n?" "Do you know where y/n is?" "Which direction did y/n go?"

I asked everyone at the party and not a single person could tell me her location but then I realized I haven't asked that dude she came with. Oh my—did he kidnap her?!!  Stop it Yeonjun that's such a stupid thought. I glanced to my right and surprisingly saw him sitting at the bar, so I rapidly  walked towards him.

"Hey you...Beomgyu right? have you seen y/n anywhere she's been invisible since 1 hour ago." I asked him seeing his eyes furrow. Does he not know too?!!

"What?! Umm let me think... wait a minute I did see her walking towards the trees" he pointed making me look to that side. Oh no...not the forest. Every time y/n went there she always got lost so I told her not to go there anymore. But yet she didn't listen.

"Guards! Follow me we have to find y/n" I snapped my fingers and ran into the forest as the guards followed me.

"Wait! Can I help you find her? I'm worried too" Beomgyu said his face looking worryingly.

"Sorry she's my best friend and I know her more. So I don't need your help...I'm all she needs right now." I spoke in a harsh tone and turned towards the forest and started running. I ran hoping to see that smile again. Her smile. It probably turned into a frown by now knowing she is lost.
I'm coming y/n hold on... your best friend is coming.

The leaves crunched under my feet as I went deeper into the forest. Even though I cut myself as I passed by small branches I kept going. My heart was beating so fast about to burst when suddenly I heard some voice on far left, and I knew exactly whose it was. Its her. And with that I then ran again but even faster like lightning bolt following the voice and when I finally reached. My entire body jerked to a stand still unexpectedly after seeing the sight in front of me.

My breath caught as I stared at it.

Stared at them.

Y/n was kissing Beomgyu.

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

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