Authors Note

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They are happy.  I could not have written it any other way.  I am forever an optimist.  In the times that we are living in now, I am unable to write anything that could bring even a tiny bit of unhappiness to anyone.  

We must be diligent.  We must stay positive.  We must have faith that all will be fine eventually.  Even from day to day we must try to practice those theories.  If we can make a difference then we must try.  Even if it is just to make one person smile, then you have done your good deed for the day.  That is my mission in my life.  That is my optimism.

I am going to Puerto Rico next week with a few friends.  I hope to find inspiration in the beautiful scenery and the beautiful people so that I will come back renewed and ready to write another story.  Will it be Zee and Saint?  Possibly.  I do so love them. But we will see.

I want to thank everyone of you who have taken the time to read my story.  It means so much to me.  You have made the writing of my story much more enjoyable knowing you were waiting for my updates.

Be well.  Take Care.  I will see you soon.  :)


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