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Zee had a secret. He knew he should tell Saint, but he couldn't. Not yet anyway. The night before he had asked Saint to marry him. He could hear Saint's breathe catch and he went still. Zee wished he could see his face. It would have been priceless. That he was in shock was apparent just by his body language. Zee smiled at the memory. Saint had snuggled up to him and sighed but he didn't answer. That worried Zee and to be honest he was afraid to confront him about it.

He had an appointment at the doctor's office this morning to remove his bandages. Saint couldn't take him, so Becka did. She waited outside for him. After the appointment they stopped by the market and picked up a few things. Zee wanted to talk to Mew so they went over to his restaurant. Zee needed to talk to Mew on a private matter so Becka went over and placed an order for them for dinner.

They sat down in Mew's office. "How is everything going?" Mew asked. Zee hesitated for a moment then replied, "I asked Saint to Marry me." Mew stared at Zee for a second and screamed, "Oh My God, that's amazing news." He ran around the desk and hugged Zee. Zee sighed, "He hasn't answered me yet." Mew looked at him, "What happened?" Zee explained how Saint had responded to his proposal. "I think his snuggling up to you was his response." Mew stated. Zee's expression turned hopeful, "Really?" "Yes, but I think you should still ask him directly for his answer. I really think that with Saint, there was no question to answer. Marrying you is a given to him." Mew smiled confidently.

Zee held his breath for a moment and then said, "There is something else I need to tell you." Mew looked over at him and raised his eyebrows, "What's on your mind?" he asked. When Zee was finished explaining it to Mew, he jumped up out of his chair and you could hear Mew's scream permeate through the entire restaurant.

Saint got home a little later than normal. He had to stop by the dorm to pick up a few things he needed. Tommy and Jimmy were home, but they were pretty engrossed in studying as they had some mid-terms this week. After Saint got the things he needed, he went over and sat on the Sofa. "Hey guys, how's thing going?!" He asked. They both mumbled at the exact time. Saint started laughing. Finally, Tommy looked up and asked, "How are you and Zee doing?" Saint smiled, "We are good. Becka took him to his doctors' appointment to remove the bandages today. She texted me that everything went fine. He had to have a few other tests done." Saint frowned. "What the matter, Saint? Jimmy asked. "I am not sure what other tests he needed. I thought it was just to remove his bandages" he said. "But Zee will tell me about it later." He smiled. "Oh, I forgot to mention, Zee asked me to Marry him last night." He said casually. Both Jimmy and Tommy looked up with a surprised look on their faces and screamed, leaping on top of Saint on the sofa. Laughing he pushed them off and they tumbled to the floor. They looked up at Saint excitedly. Tommy said, "WELL?", "Well what?" he asked looking puzzled. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" he shouted. Saint looked stunned and he turned pale. He looked down at his friends on the floor and whispered, "Oh my God, I didn't answer." He put his hand over his face and started to cry.

"WHAT THE HELL do you mean you didn't answer?" Jimmy yelled. Saint lifted his head and looked at them horrified. "I was so happy I just wanted to hold him and then we fell asleep and I had to leave early this morning for class, and he was still sleeping so I just gave him a kiss and left." He explained breathlessly. He lowered his head again in his hands.

Tommy grabbed Saints shoulders and when Saint looked at him, "Saint, go home and answer him." Saint nodded his head emphatically and got up and ran to the door saying bye on his way out. Tommy yelled, "Call and tell us what happened." Saint yelled "OK" as he ran out the door.

Zee knew Saint was going to be late. Patience was not one of his strong points. He needed Saint's answer. What if he said no? What if he doesn't want me? Zee could not even begin to know how he would feel if that happened. He was so nervous. He paced in the kitchen. He paced in the living room. Walking back to his bedroom what seemed like a hundred times. Just waiting. Becka must have asked him fifty times if he was ok. Finally, he heard the door open and Saint greeted Becka and she told him about dinner, and everything was fine and to call if we needed anything. Zee heard the door close and then silence.

Next thing he knew he had been tackled and thrown on the sofa and Saint was talking a mile a minute. "YES, I am so sorry. I just realized I didn't answer you. Oh my God, I am so sorry. I love you. I would never in a million years say no to you. I was just so happy when you asked. I just wanted to be close to you and hug you." He took a breath and continued to apologize sniffling the whole time. Zee just rubbed his back and let him ramble. Finally, after about five minutes he stopped talking. Zee gently lifted his head off his shoulder and kissed him. He laid his forehead against Saints and whispered, "That makes me so happy." Kissing him again. After snuggling for a while, Saint's stomach growled. Laughing, Zee pulled him up off the sofa, "Let's eat, Fiancé." Smiling in agreement they went into the kitchen.

After dinner they watched a little Television in bed, Saint was studying for a quiz that he had in the morning. After a little while, Zee had gotten up and was going into the living room. Saint looked up, "Do you need me to help, Babe? he asked. Zee replied with a shake of his head, "No, Love, I will be right back." Saint mumbled ok and lowered his head back to his book. Zee went to the living room searching for something in the Bureau in the living room. He knew he hid it here. Finally, after a few minutes, he found what he was looking for. He took a deep breath, then went back into the bedroom.

He went over to his side of the bed and sat down. Saint asked, "Is everything ok, Zee." Zee turned toward him, "No." he said quietly. Saints head shot up and he threw his book on the floor. Leaning toward Zee, "What's wrong? Do you need something? What can I get for you? Zee reached out with his hand palm up. Saint looked down, placing his left hand on top of Zees. Pulling his hand toward him, Zee placed a ring on Saint's finger. Looking down, he felt the ring slide perfectly on his finger and seeing the identical match on Zee's hand. His lips started trembling and the tears started falling. Zee reach over grabbing Saints shoulders and commanded, "Look at me, Love!" Lifting his tear stained face to Zee, Saint gasped. Zee was looking directly into Saint's eyes.  

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