HeartStone TrollMarket

Start from the beginning

 This place was beautiful. Elaborate carved Bridges criss crossed the deep caverns below creating places to cross into Trollmarket and making portals for trolls to travel in and out of. You watched some trolls dissapear while others walked around looking at vendors. 

 Crystals jutted out from every surface bringing light to the underground world and trolls of all shapes sizes and colors bustled around Trollmarket.

 "Woah..." You mumble and the boys nod agreeing with you.

 "This is HeartStone Trollmarket!" Blinky enthusiastically says. Still in awe you watch as Jim wanders down the steps first.

 "This is your home?" He asks spinning in a slow circle.

 "Trollmarket is home and hearth and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way my friends. There is much to see and explore." Arrrgh nudges you forward again and you run despite your knees pain to catch up with your friends. Toby takes out his phone looking around taking pictures and you decide to do the same.

 "Dang and here I thought the only thing under Arcadia was dirt and plumbing." He says snapping a pic of a troll getting a tattoo. You snort and Toby gives you a high five before walking further ahead to keep pace with Blinky.

 "Stay close." Blinky warns you all. "Human feet have never graced the grounds of Trollmarket before." He looks at each of you worried before turning away continuing to walk forward. You follow him careful to stay close.

 You listen to the hustle and bustle of Trollmarket. Coins jingle and feet stomp as trolls endlessly talk and barter. Some speak in their home tongue smacking against stone while others speak English. Staring at all the stands and watching the trolls you back up as one steps towards you.

 "Human?" The troll demands glaring at you. Jim and Toby flinch while you cling to Blinkies arm surprised. Aarrrgh turns and growls softly making the troll backup into a stand. You watch as rope and metal clatters to the ground gaining some unwanted attention. 

 "Friends." Aarrrgh huffs stubbornly snapping at the rude troll. Onlooking trolls look away backing up as Aarrrgh chuffs. Following close behind you Aarrrgh looks around uneasy. 

  Blinky laughs and pats your head as you continue to wander Trollmarket. Pulling away your head turns a mile a minute as you try and take everything in. 

 Looking at all the vendors and shops your enraptured. It was all so bright and beautiful and different. The trolls used glowing crystals for light and all the vedors had amazing signs. Some were hand painted on wood while others looked like neon human signs that'd been stolen. Barrels, rope, and cloth laid around helping keep stands grounded as trolls sold their wares.

 Many stalls were made from hung cloth but you noticed some were made from broken ship wood or plastic garbage bags as well. It was all so unique and creative, each stall being different than the last. 

 "This is so cool. Tobes (Y/N) you guys are getting this right?" Holding out your phone you flash Jim a thumbs up. Blinky smiles at your curious nature but you see him watch you Jim and Toby closely. Trolls murmer around you and you can see he's worried. 

 "On it." Tobes states snapping you out of it.  You both begin taking pictures. Tobes focuses on rocks and trolls while you focus on vendors and what their selling. Silks, cloth, socks, meat, televisions, crystals, potions, artifacts, creatures, and books were just some of the items being traded and sold.

 You watched as coins made of silver gold and bronze were exchanged but in some cases it was fabric for a weapon or ale for a book. It was a veey intresting process.

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