Stay, Please. (Bakugo x Reader)

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enjoyyy yall

It's raining.
The sound of the droplets hitting the roof awakens me from my deep sleep, my eyes intensively looking around as I peer up. I look out of the window, only see street lights glowing and shadowing the storm over us. I stare for only a moment, admiring this, when my attention is drawn back down to the bed- where Bakugo rests.
Even in his sleep he looked frustrated, worried. I felt so bad for him and only wanted to hold him, but he didn't like being touched very often. I respect that, therefore I cannot comfort his archaic dreams.

I get up, the pads of my feet softly tapping on the wooden floor all the way over to my kimono, where I grab the soft fabric and wrap it around me tightly, securing warmth. The thunder is heavy, now, with only a few counts in between shots, signifying the closeness of the storm.
I'm slightly scared by the sounds, but other than that, I think not of it.
Lighting a candle by our bedside, I pull my book from the old white night stand that resides beside me. The pages have a particular smell, one that reminds me of childhood. I can only smile and sigh, beginning to read the pages peacefully whilst the storm grows upon us.

Halfway through my reading, I look out to immediately see a large strike of lightening, causing my heart and face to drop. The thunder was booming, shaking our flat, and causing objects to vibrate.
Suddenly I feel a warm, desperate hand against my waist, only to look down and find Bakugo disturbed- almost ruffled.
His eyes are wide open and glazed with soft tears, slightly pulling tension at my skin.

"Babe, are you okay?" I say to him, running my hand through his soft locks. He nods a small 'no', pulling my waist into him. I sit my book down, now, right next to the candle that is lighting up our room so effortlessly.
His hands grow tight as he pulls my waist into his, forcing me to his chest. I can hear his heart rate, it's fast. He is most definitely freaking out. I wasn't sure what to do, as the thunder continued to grow and his grip became only tighter and more desperate than the first time.

I then decide to lie my hand on the small of his back, softly tracing circles. His breath hitches, but falters once I lay my cold hand against his warm back.
He nuzzles against my head with his own, "Teddy bear..I'm sorry. This isn't very strong of me and i-" Without a word nor a sound, I reach up and pull his head onto my chest, engulfing him into the warm embrace of my arms. He gasps, but relaxes into my affection.
"You don't have to be a hero for me, darling, I am your safe place." I coo to him, rubbing his shoulders and letting his hot breath caress my bare skin. He was still shaking, but only a small amount compared to before. I smiled at this, pulling his head up.

"W-what are you doing dumbass?" His tone wasn't aggressive, no, only sweet, causing my smile to widen. His face full of confusion, I melt a kiss into his lips. The kiss was hot, my tongue begging for entry and him allowing, I deeply showed him how much he is loved. He fell into the kiss as well, pulling me closer to him, letting me feel his body right up on mine.
Once the kiss was over, and I had rested against his chest, his heartbeat was no longer irregular. The storm had passed now, letting us rest easy.

To think I wore this man's ring was nothing more than a blessing.

ahhhh cuteness!
640 words

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