"Ugh!! Would you two ever stop humping each other in front of me?!? I swear, you two are way too horny for your own good." I then saw the familiar looking face of the young warrior of Bloodrose.


"It was just a kiss Mikey. Relax." Sebastian rolled his eyes as he had his arms around his mate, Anna.

"Uhhuh.. and that hickey on your neck just mysteriously appeared out of nowhere??"

"Who's that?? He looks too young to be a warrior right??" Tracy asked.

"His name is Michael but everyone calls him Mikey. And he is a warrior. A good one at that, even though he's young and can't shift yet." I said.

"You sure know a lot about these wolves Rose. How do you know him??" Kate commented and I felt my eyes widen a bit.

Shit I said too much.

"Uh yeah. Jayden and I kind of talked about his friends yesterday." I lied but it seemed that they believed me.

"Speaking of which, there's your lover boy right now." Tracy then gestured us and there we saw Jayden walking towards Mikey and the others.

"Why don't you go and talk with him Rose." Kate said.

"What?? No. I can't do that." I replied. Honestly, I really did want to go down there and talk with Jayden and the others but that might be too risky. I might slip up and say or do something that'll risk them knowing my real identity.

"And why not??" Tracy asked.

"Uh oh, slut alert. Looks like you have some competition here Rose." We both turned to where Kate was looking to see Jayden giving Cindy a very distasteful look.

I clenched my teeth as she had her hand on my mate's chest. "I was wondering if.."

"No and I already told you countless times that I'm not interested. Go bother someone else before I kick you out of here myself." I heard Jayden say to her.

"Gosh can't she just accept the fact that he's not interested in her?? I mean, c'mon is she that desperate??" Kate said as she rolled her eyes.

"I just wanted to get to know you better since both of our species will be fighting side by side." This bitch is really making it hard for me not to rip her damn head off.

"Cindy what are you doing here?? Just leave them alone. They're in a middle of training." Leo said as he gave his sister a serious look.

"Hey miss, are you lost??" Cindy then turned towards Mikey when he said this. "The strip club's that way."

"Kid, you shouldn't talk to your elders like that. Now be a good pup and let the adults talk." She replied to him but Mikey just gave her a scoff.

"Lady, I may be young but I ain't stupid. Cause at least I'm not the one who's trying to get hots with a guys who's clearly not interested." A few snickers were then heard as Cindy narrowed her eyes at the innocently smiling wolf.

"Little wolfling, do you really thing that this sexy figure deserves to be in a strip club??" Cindy said as she narrowed her eyes a bit at Mikey.

"Hmm, yeah maybe you're right." Mikey said as he gave her a shrug. "The customers in that joint would rather want to see a lady with bigger boobs anyway." I was really shocked at what he said.

"Did he just..." Kate didn't finish as she and Tracy had their mouths open.

"What are you trying to say you little brat?!?!" Cindy said as she gave Mikey a sneer as the others just looked on, some of them snickering might I say.

Realize : A Twist of Fate| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now