9. Teasing

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I do not own any of the characters in this. J.k rowling does. i own story line x


Thursday went by fast. After lunch with Ginny and Harry, I had a free period, which i used to do the assignment. I felt bad because Draco had done most of it when i was asleep... on his chest.
Sleeping next to him wasn't so bad. He was warm, and i felt safe... and I found out, he thinks i'm hot. Draco Malfoy, slytherin prince, thinks that me, Hermione Granger, is hot. honestly kinda take it as a complement, as i should.
He isn't bad himself... but that's not what i should be thinking about. I need to be doing this essay!


That night i was in my own bed. The bed that didn't smell like cologne. The bed that didn't have a handsome boy, with his arm around me in it.
Ginny was in her bed, which was next to mine.
She was asleep, snoring, as usual. I dint understand how Harry puts up with it. I generally throw a pillow at her when she gets to annoying.
She wasn't too bad tonight... yet.


Draco's POV

"Are you lonely Drakey?" Blaise laughed from his bed.

"Fuck off." I shot a sarcastic smile at Blaise, then rolled over.

"Blaise told me by the way, about you and Granger. Your really fake dating her?" Theo walked into the room, and plopped onto his bed.

I scoffed at Theo.
It was just me in my bed tonight. No granger.
It's for the better though. I am trying to get with Astoria. And she is still hooked on Ron.
Why does she like Ron? He literally called her a Mudblood! Arrogant bitch.

"Where were you last night?" Blaise turned to Theo.

"I was down in the common room... why?" Theo kicked of his shoes, and turned switched his uniform into pj's, with a flick of a wrist.

"Well... you missed out on Granger the 'fake girlfriend' cuddling up to Drakey over here, and falling to sleep." I could feel both of there eyes looking at my back.

"Wha- I thought it was fake... and you knew, so who were they trying to fool?" Theo got comfortable in his bed with a little bit of squirming.

I turned my head to the two of them, "Both of you, shut it. Otherwise I will hex you to next Sunday."

Anyways, tomorrow was the first quidditch match, and it was Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Obviously we were going to win, though it might be a close game.
It was also a good chance for Granger to cheer me on, and get the word around that we are dating.
This will make Astoria even more jealous.

The next morning, i only had to survive 3 classes, then last period, i have quidditch practice.
After the quidditch match, it was the weekend. Perfect time to make Astoria and Weasel jealous.
I had all my classes with Granger, which was also perfect.

"Oi, Draco, get up. It's 7:30. Don't want to be late again." Blaise through a pillow at my head.

"Bugger off." i showed him my favourite finger, whilst my back was still facing him.

"Quit daydreaming about Granger, and get up." He said sternly.

"Actually, for your facts, i was thinking about quidditch." I rolled out of bed, and got ready for the day.

Fake Love Gone Wrong- DramioneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora