Chapter 26

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6 months later

Life has been running smoothly these past 6 months. After Oliver was arrested, he faced a judge and was sentenced to life behind bars, without the possibility of parole. Brandon and Mary both face similar.

3 months after the whole ordeal, Cameron and I bought a house together. We thought it would not be fair on Ainsley if we were still living in his place. The poor guy needed his own space back. We decided to buy a small property in between Blackburn and Hiddlebrook. It is a beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house with a huge backyard. Cameron said we needed the space for when our babies come along.

I finally finished my article for the paper after everything that had happened. The corrupt officers down in Hiddlebrook are all under investigation. Last, I had heard was that they are all suspended without pay. Serves them right, the wankers.

Cameron is still at Blackburn with Ainsley. I think he has found his new home with them at the station. I swear he now spends more time with them than he does with me. I cannot complain though. He is one amazing man, that I am lucky to call my own.

Yes, we have our problems. Yes, I am still a stubborn bitch. But I am working on it. I have been receiving counselling. I started the day after Oliver was arrested. I need to learn to manage my panic attacks and to also learn to trust not only me but everyone who is close to me. I know they will not hurt me like my 'mother' has done. Cameron has joined in on a few sessions with me and I am thankful that he is still around. He is still standing beside me.

We have been planning our wedding, he wants to do it as quick as we can. I completely agree with him too. Why wait? We want to be together for the rest of our lives, why not just do it!

Cameron and I are sitting at the kitchen bench, going through swatches of material. We are trying to come to an agreement on the colours of the wedding. I want fuchsia and he wants orange. Seriously he wants orange. Not a colour I would choose for myself but Cameron is a weird guy. Love him with everything I have though.

Cameron- "But Luce, this burnt orange would look wicked, could you imagine all the boys wearing a burnt orange shirt?"

Lucille- "Cameron, if you keep saying burnt orange, I am going to do either one of two things"

Cameron- "Yeah what are they?"

Lucille- "One, I am going to punch you in the face and two, I am going to throw up all over you then you will see what burnt orange looks like"

Cameron lets out the most amazing deep belly rumbling laugh. His phone starts ringing, he is still laughing until he sees who is calling.

Cameron- PC- "Detective Wilson speaking"

Cameron- PC- "Mmhmmm"

Cameron- PC- "When did that happen?"

Cameron- PC- "Mmhmmm, ok. I'll let her know"

Cameron- PC- "Thank you for the call. Goodbye"

He hangs up the phone and slowly turns to look at me. The look on his face doesn't give me any clues on what has happened.

Cameron- "Luce?"

Lucille- "Who was that Cam? Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost or shat the bed?"

He takes a deep breath through his nose and lets it out of his mouth

Cameron- "That was the prison where Mary is"

Lucille- "Oh okay. What's wrong with the old bitch now?"

Cameron holds my hand and gently squeezes it

Cameron- "Your mother, Mary, was murdered in her cell last night"

Lucille- "Oh shit"

Fuck that isn't what I expected. I sit there looking at Cameron. I expected to feel numb when she died but I feel nothing but happiness. Knowing now she will never be able to hurt me again.

Lucille- "Oh well, who ever did it, deserves a fruit basket and a thank you card"

I think I shocked Cameron with my blasé answer over the issue. Why should I care? She had threatened to kill me on numerous occasions and even held a gun to me. She was never a mother to me at the end of the day. She only used me as a pawn in her silly little games. The world is better off without scum like her walking around.

Lucille- "So back to our conversation on orange. I am voting no. You can have silver or black but not fucking orange"

Cameron grabs my face in his hands and slants his lips over mine. The kiss is soft and gentle. He pulls back and looks into my eyes

Cameron- "I love you so much Luce. You are such a strong and amazing woman"


One year later

Cameron and I got married 8 months after Oliver was put in prison. It only took us 2 months to plan our wedding. It was the most amazing day for the both of us. We have been married for 10 months now and life is only getting better and better.

Tonight, I have planned a huge surprise for him. Just yesterday, I found out we were expecting. Keeping this secret was hard. I just wanted to shout it from the roof tops.

After the last couple of years, this news is welcomed. A bright light at the end of the tunnel. When I sit back now and think about everything that had happened the main thing, I keep coming back to is, Cameron.

Cameron. Has been my saving grace. My knight in shining armour. Just my main man. I am so thankful he has stuck around and never gave up on me. He is the reason I will never look back on my past but to keep my eyes on the future. Cameron and this baby are my future and I cannot wait to see where it all takes me.

The End




Thank you to everyone who had read, voted, and commented on this story. It means the absolute world to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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