Chapter 25

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*Cameron POV*

Walking up the warehouse, I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. Rule number one is to never show your weakness or nervousness. These criminals will take that and it'll be you who pays the price. Today is the day where we finally get Oliver. He will go away for a long time. Not only is he the kingpin drug lord, ruining families, but he has done his fair share of ending lives.

SWAT team cover all exits of the building. Ainsley and I take a door each with a team of men and woman behind us. I hate coming here. All the memories of Lucille being here are starting to come back to me. I need to snap out of this shit before it gets me killed.

Ainsley- (whispering through coms) "She isn't here Cam. She is safe at home"

Cameron- (whispering through coms) "How'd you know what I was thinking"

Ainsley- (whispering through coms) "Man I know you too well. It'll all be over soon"

I take a deep breath. I check and double then triple check my magazine. Making sure I am fully loaded for this showdown. The shit stops today!

I raise my left hand and start counting to 3 using my fingers. As soon as my hand holds up 3 fingers, the doors are bashed open. Men and woman are rushing inside all screaming

Cameron- (yelling) "GET ON THE GROUND"


All of Oliver's men are down. I can't see him anywhere. My men and woman are still searching all rooms. Still screaming out for others to get on the ground.

Ainsley and I team up and work together to search all rooms that are here. We walk past the room that Lucille was trapped in. My heart starts racing again. Ainsley nudges me with his shoulder

Ainsley- "She is not here"

Cameron- "I know. It is still fucking hard man"

Ainsley nods his head but doesn't say anything else. All I know is once we have Oliver handcuffed and in the back of the patrol car, I will be racing home and making love to my woman. The love making will have to wait though. I have a more important question to ask her.

Each and every room we go into, Oliver isn't there. I am starting to lose my patience. He is here. I know he is here. I am running upstairs and downstairs trying to find this piece of shit. He has taken far to many breaths in his life. He does not deserve to breath the same oxygen as me.

With my pistol raised in front of me. I take a dark corner. Straight into the middle of a heated discussion.

Oliver- "How the fuck did they find me here. You told me no one knew I was here"

Peter- "I never ran my mouth Sir"

I slowly close in on them.

Cameron- "Oliver, long time no see. GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND"

I still have my gun raised at Oliver and this other guy. I watch them as they both slowly lower themselves to the ground. More of my men have surrounded the two on the ground. Both of them are cuffed and patted down while read their Miranda rights.

I have zoned out by this stage. All I know is that this fucker is being locked up as of tonight. This is a massive accomplishment. The good guys on the force have been after this dickwad for years and finally he is being put away. I just hope he is ready for the big boys in prison.


I didn't hang around the station long after booking the fuckers. I had a woman at home who I needed to be with. I pull up my car in the driveway and rush inside.

Cameron- (yelling) "LUCILLE"

I can hear her footsteps coming down the hallway. She stops at the hallway door and I reach her in 3 strides. As soon as I am in front of her, I am smashing my lips to hers in a heated kiss. I missed this woman today and I don't care about anything else right now. I just need her.

Lucille wraps her arms around my neck. I grab her from under her arse and lift her up, wrapping her legs around my hips. Never breaking our kiss, I walk us back to our room kicking the door shut with my foot. I throw her down onto the bed and do not waist anytime in climbing on top of her.

Clothes are being pulled off and thrown around the room in a heated frenzy. Lips are parted. Mouths joined together. Teeth are smashing together, tongues are fighting for dominance.

I rub her clit, warming her up. Didn't take long before I knew she was ready for me. I slipped right on in. I gave her a couple of frenzied pumps and then slowed myself down. This wasn't going to plan. I was meant to ask her a question first. I'll ask afterwards. Right now, I am too caught up in the moment of making love to my woman. My incredible, amazing, strong woman.

Lucille's moans set me off like no tomorrow. She is so close, I can feel her walls starting to constrict. She lets out the most amazing sounding breathy moan and I come undone. I can feel her milking me for all I've got.

Lucille- (breathless) "I love you so fucking much"

Cameron- (breathless) "Marry me?"

OH SHIT! I wasn't meant to ask her like this. I was meant to do it properly. Not while my dick is still inside of her. Oh fuck she is gonna say no. Her eyes are as wide as saucers. Fuck I fucked it up

Cameron- (whispering) "I fucked it up, didn't I?"

I watch her facial expressions. I would love to be in her head right now. To know what she is thinking. I am waiting for her to say no. I am waiting for her to tell me it is too soon. And I know all of that, but I can't help the way I feel.

Lucille- (yelling) "YES. YES. YES."

Cameron- "Huh?"

Lucille- "Yes I will marry you Cameron. Yes, yes, yes"

I smash my mouth to hers and kiss her with fever. She said yes. I am going to marry this beautiful woman. I pull back from the kiss

Cameron- "Fuck. I have a ring for you. I have to get the ring and put it on you. Stay there"

Lucille- (laughing) "I can't move Cam. For one, you are still inside me and two, you ARE still inside me"

I slowly pull my softening cock out of Lucille and stand up. I run to the drawers and pull out the ring box. I run back to the bed and get down on one knee in front of her. I open the ring box and watch as her eyes light up. It is nothing over the top, but the ring is just as beautiful as the woman who is going to wear it. I pull it out and slip it onto her finger.

Lucille- "I love you Cameron. So fucking much"

Cameron- "I love you so fucking much Lucille. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you"

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