"Hey could you keep your voices down I'm trying to sleep," I kept my head down on the table and I'm sure my voice sounded muffled but they heard me nonetheless. I just noticed only some people left while others stayed in the classroom.

"Oh (Y/N) you're awake!!" I couldn't make out who was speaking.

"No shit," I huff in resentment, I continue to lift my head and my vision becomes distorted," how could anyone sleep through all of your chattering, what's so important you all have to speak so damn loud?" My tone of voice I let out was annoyed, and their faces fell.

"Sorry- we were just asking who decided on what pro agency they're going to," their heads were now hung low, was I too harsh? I inhale deeply, and exhale slowly.

"No, don't be sorry, continue with your talking then," I sigh again while putting my hand against my forehead, I swear one day I'll actually catch a cold from straining my body so much.

"You don't look so good (Y/N), you're pale," the tail guy, Ojiro was it? Mentioned my complexion, I can't blame him though. Anyone could clearly see how much thinner I got, the amount of colour drained from my face and the fact my eye bags were very visible, in other words I look terrible.

"Don't worry," I tried breathing out steadily but it was shaky, "it's just the side affects of my quirks no big deal."

"You can always ask for our help if you need (Y/N), just say the word and we'll come running!" Uraraka smiles form ear to ear while punching the air.

"I've gone through much worse, believe me" I meant to say it more, lightheartedly, as if it were a joke. But it did not come across that way, I just realized the expression I made, eyes wide while fixated on my desk yet the papers weren't anything worthy of staring at. It was dead serious, that might be one of my biggest slip ups. I immediately cover my mouth, I forgot to control how I was feeling, and when I said that, my spine shivered while replaying the things mother has done to me. I'm sure they saw it, the fear I was conveying because the look on their faces went from grins of reassurance to furrowed eyebrows and frowns. If I had said it any other way maybe they wouldn't be making such expressions, if I don't say anything now they'll get suspicious and ask.


"I'm-" I shake my hands to deny whatever I said and let out a laugh, " I'm just joking of course! I just got used to how my quirk backfires you know?" I continue to make seem as if I were kidding however it's too much to assume that they couldn't tell it was forced, they're quite perceptive after all.

"You really know how to dodge situations," there goes Asui, always saying whatever comes to mind. Which isn't necessarily a bad trait in my opinion, just right now, I have to save myself from the situation.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," I'm determined to fool them, it would be troublesome if I don't, it's better to stop them while I'm ahead. "Anyways, what agencies did you guys pick?" I lean my head forward while it rests on my palm. After I said that it eased the tone, it was less tense now.

Some of them explained how it was hard to choose and others wanted a specific agency with specialties. Uraraka already had hers one with the hero Gunhead, who's a big brawler and battle type. Everyone was quite taken aback by it, but one person they weren't taken shocked at knowing who they wanted to intern with was grape head, always gonna be a pervert, he wants to intern at Mt. Lady's of course. And Izuku, as always was muttering away and overthinking it, as if I wouldn't do the same, which I probably would to be honest.

"Have you decided yet (Y/N)?" I was about to make an attempt to leave the classroom while they were focusing on chatting, but I guess not. I take a glance down at the papers on my desk, there was so many options, which is a pain to look through.

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