Chapter 19

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How do I make you stay?
Let me tell you a story, about a girl who never really knew what it felt like to cry until her loved one died. Yes of course she would whine and throw tantrums. But with no reason behind it all. There was no sadness behind her actions, it was irrelevant. However, it all changed when her father passed.

They had no way of shutting the little girl up, no matter what they did, she wouldn't stop. She staying in the same place he took his own life pounding her own fist into the floorboards until her hand went numb. She kept screaming even when her voice was lost. She continued crying until her tears ran dry. Everything the girl had bottled up inside over the past years was let out, then and there. It would be embedded in her brain forever. She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye.

And she crumbled

I crumbled, until it was impossible for me to piece myself back together.
(Y/N) P.O.V
Did the pretty boy just call me beautiful? It's a joke right? Even without this getup, I'm pretty? Shit this is stupid, my face feels so warm. Maybe I caught a cold after all. Right after he said that, I kinda just left trying not to make a scene about it. His words probably just got mixed up again, yeah that's it, right?

I really have to stop dwelling on it, I have to make it back to watch the other battles. There's something weird about this hallway though, why's it so isolated? I guess everyone just went to observe the finals. I should hurry too then.

Just as I about to turn a corner, I run into someone's chest. Geez what's up with me and running into people? I look up to see who it is but their face was covered by a baseball cap. By his body build he looked middle aged. His stature was tall even though his posture was slouched.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing," the mans breath reeked of alcohol, which I know the smell of all to well. He shouldn't even be here if he's been drinking. My nose scrunches up after the words left his mouth. This guys definitely got a problem. I was about to turn but he grabs onto my wrists. Clutching them so tightly that I felt like my blood circulation could be cut off. The hell?! Why can't I break free?

"Let go of me," I tried to seem unshaken, I'm not giving this guy a chance to pull something. He held my arms over my head and stroked his finger across my cheek.

"Why don't we have some fun?" At this point I'm utterly disgusted. Does he have a quirk related to strength or something? I can't break free. I squirm around as he attempted to bring his face dangerously closer to mine. But as I glanced away he only gripped tighter. There's no one else around to help me too, I keep getting into such crappy situations. This place is full of pro hero's, then why is not a single one here to help? At least one person. But I can't just wait around to get saved.

I snap my fingers, not loud enough for him to hear or suspect something. I managed to manipulate his shadow, having it turn into something that'll help me. The snakes I created slithered near his feet about to bite. Stay calm, all he needs is a bit of that venom in his system and this guy'll be out like a light.

"Aww come on don't shy away like that," he tilts my chin upward,"we could go somewhere else secluded if you're so nervous."I close my eyes to brace myself, just a little longer and I can beat the shit out of him.

"(Y/N)! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Before my snakes could bite a familiar voice spoke out. I open my eyes again and the grip on my wrists loosened so I was able to get out. While I backed away an arm draped itself over my shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend sir?" I look up at the red headed boy and gave him the most dumbfounded expression ever. He leaned down to my ear and whispered something along the lines of, 'play along with it.' I understand he wants to fool this guy, but why is it such a stretch from the truth? If you're gonna lie at least make it believable.

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