Husband of The Year

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What a year. My heart hurt so bad but yet has never felt so full. My family has been the best at taking care of me and my Michael has been the husband sent straight from heaven. Michael went part time at work, working 3 days a week and being able to work from home. His job has been so understanding and helpful. Camille is really good about bring Michael important documents. She is heaven sent as well with helping Michael with work. My body has been failing me and without my family I don't think I could've made it through this. My dad makes dinner for us once a week, then cami takes a night and Shawn And Liz would come Over and help cook and clean. I cry everytime I think about how much love everyone has shown me. Even when I hit my lowest


"Dre come out." Michael said outside the bathroom door. "I can't! I can't live like this!" I cried. I heard him leave and come back with the keys. "I'm coming in," he sighed. "No!!!" I yelled. He opened the door as I sat on the bathroom floor with a hoody on, hiding my head. "Baby you look beautiful, no matter what." He said sitting next to me. I shook my head. "I don't. Stop lying to me. I'm bald and sick all the time. I am not beautiful Michael!" I cried as I screamed at him. "Mom come on, please come out." Aria begged. I shook my head. "Get up now." Michael said standing up. I shook my head again. "Get your ass up off this floor now Dre!" He yelled. Aria and I shared a surprised glance. "I swear to god if you don't get up off this floor Dre," he threatened. I shakily stood up. He grabbed my hand dragging me out of bathroom. "I am not letting you do this to yourself. You are a strong woman, a mother, a wife, you hold this family together most days. I am not letting you destroy yourself in that bathroom anymore. Understand?!" He said holding my face. He pulled my hood down. "You are beautiful. Not just because your looks, because you are strong and Smart and you have the best personality in the world. You love hard and your goofy. That's why your beautiful. Stop letting this destroy you." He said with tears in his eyes. "My heads cold." Is all I could say. He just started laughing as did Aria.


There were so many times I laid on the bathroom, sick, crying, feeling sorry for myself. Michael picked me up every time. I don't think I've ever been more in love with him.

I'm slowly getting back on my feet, I have one surgery left and it's my reconstructive surgery. Michael and I decided it was best to think about the future and the kids and get a double mastectomy. I can't imagine going through this again. While I know there is still a possibility, I have to do everything in my power to reduce those chances of getting cancer again.

"God it feel good to be able to work normal hours again," I smiled as I kissed Michael as he came in the door. "You feel pretty good I'm guessing?" He smiled. I nodded. "Dinner is made, house is cleaned. My work day has been completed." I smiled. "You nervous for your surgery tomorrow?" He asked concerned. "Nope because I am ready to get it over with and be done with this. My hairs finally growing back, I'm ready to have my boobs back. I don't like being like this. I don't even feel like I can hug anyone properly." I said trying my best to feel normal. "I can tell. I know you're ready for this to be over." He smiled.

I laid with a Michael on the couch as we watched a movie with the kids. Aria was away at school, so it was just the two younger ones. "Mom you feel better?" Demi smiled. "Momma feels so much better." I smiled holding her. "I miss your boobies though. They were soft and squishy." She laughed. "Same." Michael joked. "Well mommas getting new ones tomorrow." I giggled. "I can't wait to lay on them." Demi sighed. Michael couldn't stop laughing. "I feel like a boy." I said. Michael rolled his eyes. "What?!? I have short hair and no boobs." I said. "I do not like this hair. I can't get use to it. I obsess over it." I groaned hating myself. "I want to smack you." Michael said, making me gasped surprised. "What!" I laughed. "I'm so tired of hearing you talk down on yourself. I wish you could see what I see." He said sweetly. I blushed. "I just don't feel pretty anymore." I shrugged.

We went to bed I knew Michael was going to rip me a new one. "I told you to stop doing that in front of the kids." He said unhappy. "I'm sorry. I know. I need to stop obsessing over it." I replied. "I don't want the kids thinking that's what makes a woman beautiful. You're going to make Demi have self image issues." He stressed. I nodded, knowing I needed to stop obsessing over what the cancer has done to my body. "I know this is hard on you. It's been a lot." He sighed. He's burnt out. I know it. I took a deep breath. "I'll work on it. I'm sorry." I said. He sighed. "Get In bed so I can hold you. I miss you." He said shutting the lights off. I smiled. I laid on his chest as he kissed my head. We had a movie on and I was loving this. I pulled his face to mine kissing him. "I love you. More than anything." I said kissing him again. "I love you more. Period." He smiled. I shook my head. "Our live will be back to normal soon. I promise. And whenever I get all better, we're going to have so much sex." I smirked as I kept kissing him. "Hmm promise?" He asked. Holding my sides as I straddled him. I nodded.

Michaels pov

I got Dre home after her surgery, she just kept smiling. She's so drugged you right now. "Why is she smiling so much?" Erin laughed. "Probably cause she has her boobs back." I laughed. "She's been obsessing over the boobs and hair." I added. "I know but those are big things for women to lose." Erin said. "Oh I know but I had to get on to her about talking about it in front of the kids. I don't want Demi to think that's what will make her beautiful." I replied. " oh definitely. Good call dad." She smiled patting my back. "You and Dre should a take couples vacation once she gets more on her feet. You two need some bonding time that doesn't involve her being sick." Erin smiled. I nodded. "As selfish as it sounds I'm so ready to have my wife back." I said. "No we get it. We were only there for glimpse of what it was like to take care of her. You were there every second. If anyone deserves husband of the year it's you. You get to be selfish." She smiled. I nodded. The guilt sank in. I am not husband of the year.

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