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Normal talking"
"Pokemon speach"( I will have it already translated but only Ash can understand it no matter who's POV it is)
"Legendary speach"
'Aura talk' (everyone can understand unless told otherwise)
[My Note/messages]
Time Skip

The next Morning

Ash was the first to wake up due to him going to bed early the night before. He made Lucario, Riptide and Himself something to eat for breakfast.

"Thanks Ash", Riptide thanked as he ate the last of his Oran berries.

"No problem, would you and Lucario like to get some last minute training done before the tournament today", Ash asked.

'I would like to Speed up the time it takes me to power up Bone Rush', Lucario said.

"I guess I can improve on my speed a little bit more", Riptide.

"Ok we have about 3 hour until we need to be at the stadium so Riptide I want you to try and run though the tree top while using Double Team", Ash said.

"Ok", Riptide said.

"Lucario let's see how we can speed up your Bone Rush", Ash said.

Two Hours later

Serena started to stir after being poked by Mystic's Branch she keeps with her.

"Mystic....let me sleep a little more", Serena said as she tried to stay asleep.

"You can't be gentle you must be ruthless", Sapphire said jokingly. Sapphire has been opening up to the pokemon more, but she hasn't opened up to any person but Serena.

"I try gently first so she can't say I should try to wake her up gently", Mystic said.

"Can I try to wake her", Sapphire asked.

"Go for it", Mystic said with a grin.

Sapphire went down stairs and used psychic on a 5 gallon bucket and filled it with ice water. She brought it up stairs and tilted it so it drip a little bit on Serena.

"Mystic stop please", Serena said. She then opened her eyes and saw the bucket floating above her. "NO DON'T", Serena panicked.

Sapphire the dumped the whole bucket on Serena. Serena shrieked at the sudden ice cold 5 gallons of water being poured on her.

"SERENA", Cynthia shouted as she entered her room.  Cynthia saw Mystic and Sapphire laughing so hard they were on the ground while Serena was soaking wet standing next to the bed.

"Would you like a towel", Cynthia said between laughs.

"Its not funny", Serena complained while she flushed red due to embarrassment. "But sure", She added.

Cynthia got her a towel after she explained what happened to everyone but Ash due to him doing some training.

After about 10 minutes Serena came into the kitchen to eat something being followed by a laughing Mystic and a Sapphire.

"Oh shut you too or I going to throw away the pokepuffs I made you", Serena threatened.

"You woundn't", Mystic said.

"What would she do", Ash asked as he entered with Riptide and Lucario with the three of them covered in sweat.

"Uhhhh", Serena said as she couldn't take her eyes off Ash in he tank top and shorts. You were able to see his chest through the tank top and you could see his abs.

Journey Of The Bonded (Being rewritten)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя