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"Normal talking"
"Pokemon speach"( Translation but only Ash can understand it)
"Legendary speach"
'Aura talk'
[My Note/messages]

Serena's POV

"Hey Ash which pokemon will you use", I ask.

"I'm thinking on using Froakie so that I can cover your ground and rock type weakness", Ash say.

"I hope we can win because if we don't", I started.

"Don't say that we will win", Ash said.

I look toward Ash and see the determination  in his eyes I see that their is not any worry but just his determination.

"Right we will win", I say.

"Are you two done yet", Mom says from the other end of the battlefield.

"Yea we ready to win", Ash says confidently.

"We will see", Mom said.

"I am the referee that Grace asked for so, This will be a 2 on 2 tag battle with Grace Ynvorn ,and Calem Xavier V.S Red and Serena Ynvorn. The winner will be Decided when both of one tag teams pokemon are rendered unable to continue. You will release your pokemon simultaneously. Now release your pokemon", said a Referee.

"Go", Ash, Calem, Mom and I said as our pokemon go out to the field.

No Ones POV

Froakie looks at Mystic and then towards his opponent. Serena followed his gaze and see a big gray pokemon on two legs that has a horn on its head and has rock armor known as Rhydon and small green and brown ball like pokemon with some quills on its head and a somewhat long pointed tail Quilladin. Mystic looks back at her with a fearful look.

"Its okay Mystic just do your best I will not ask for anymore", Serena says trying to give her a confidence boost.

"All right Ash and Serena can have the first move, Battle begin" , The Ref shouted.

"Froakie Water Pulse on Rhydon", Ash commanded.

Froakie then collected water in his hand and made a ball of water and throwed it at Rhydon.

"Quilladin protect Rhydon with Protect", Calem said, and Quilladin responded with jumping in front of Rhydon and forming a green shield right before Froakie's attack hit.

"Rhydon use Bulldoze while protects active", Serena's Mom said.

"Froakie to jump quick you to Mystic", Serena shout quickly.

Both Froakie and Mystic jump and avoid the attack.

"Nice call Serena how did you know to do that", Ash asked.

"Thanks Ash, It was because I saw a trainer to it against mom", Serena replied

"Serena lets go offensive ", Ash said.

"Alright Mystic Ember", Serena says.

"Froakie use Cut  ", Ash commanded.

Froakie then runs toward Quilladin. Calem tried to tell him to block with Needle Arm but Froakie got to Quilladin first and hit him with the combo move.

"Quilladin counter attack with Pin Missile", Calem commands.

Froakie gets hit with the Pin Missile and lands on the ground next to Mystic but got up quickly.

"Rhydon use Rock Slide", Serena's Mom says.

Rocks start to form above both Froakie and Mystic.

"Dodge it", Ash and Serena command.

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